(count starts from end of march break) quarantine day 28
I've decided to start this diary in light of the coronavirus outbreak. I'll try to post everyday, but I might not if nothing interesting happens. Im on week four, maybe five of "online learning". We're using Microsoft teams, and it's terrifically innefficent. We started right after March Break ended.
the outbreak
the outbreak started in late 2019 (covid19) When it started, I wasn't concered. It was all the way in Wuhan! the other side of the world. Then one day, early March, it was like a switch flipped. Teachers talked about Covid for entire classes, instead of learning. Iremeber walking into religion class, prepared to be bored out of my mind, but instead we had a class discussion about Corona, leaving me much less sleepy than usual. Even through all this class time devoted to corna my parents didn't see it as a threat.
In the week leading up to break, our teachers told us, "take home your books, just in case!" Just in case. Our principal, on our last day, took to our stage and said, "It's just a precaution, take your books home over the break." Just in case. our religion teacher said, "it's just in case, we will just be doing whatever public health tells us to do." Just in case.
How I've been
When I got home, my best friend called me. "Hey bro, did you hear? They're shutting down the schools!" I was delighted. And before you shame me, how else was I supposed to react? I had just gotten like, another week off school! To that point, I had only been told that corona was not a threat. "So you wanna hang out tomorrow?"
looking back I'm glad we didn't. Social Distancing and all that. Anyways, memes! my generation has been churning out memes upon memes. on tiktok I can't get three videos without seeing one about corona. There are even "corona bingo" filters on Snap. I've used them and gotten bingo. I havn't posted them though, I don't do that.
As soon as break started, my family and I came up to our cottage. we were going to anyways, but it's good we did. Isolation and all that. We were going to go ski at the club we used to belong to. But they shut down when two members testes positive for the virus before we got the chance.
to present
so far, America has the most cases, surprisingly. You'd think it'd be China, that's where it started, but it's not. (they might be lying about their numbers, I think) America has the most, and I think it's because of the fact they don't have free health care. people can't afford to go get tested or can't afford treatment, so they live with it, and pass it on to others, and live with corona till they die. Canada, where I live, has 36,671 cases. Not bad compared to America's 787,876+.
my days have been mundane. doing the bare minimum of work and spending the rest of my time doing chores and vibing in bed. I should be doing all my work, I know. but what are they gonna do? check? I'll do it if I have to submit it. my English teacher said that he'd check the homework once we came back. That's a laugh. Like we're going back before September.
A/N ty for reading! next update will be shorter. Feel free to give feedback or lmk if i have typos/captilaztion errors!
pls vote + comment. ily. stay safe, stay home.
Corona Diaries
Literatura Faktuhi. my name is Grindy. I'm a teen living in quarantine during the pandemic. I'm creating this diary to help me keep track of the days and stop them from rolling into one another. Also to show the next generation, document everything. started 4/20/20...