~Chapter 10~

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~~~Deku's POV~~~

I paced around the living room in panic, trying to compose myself. 'It's okay Izuku everything's going to be fine, and Todoroki will be there with you. He wouldn't let you get hurt. Right?'

Todoroki had gone upstairs and was just finishing up preparing two separate rooms for Shinsou's boyfriend and Shinsou. I was down stairs hoping that Todoroki would hurry the frick up, and come down here before I have to answer the door alone.

'Okay deep breaths. Deep breaths.' I reminded myself breathing in and out slowly. Then Todoroki walked down the stairs instantly coming over to me, and wrapping me in a hug.

"It's going to be okay love," he reassured me stroking my hair. "I-I know I'm just n-nervous," I replied hugging him back.

'Knock, knock'

I jumped being slightly scared by the banging as Todoroki and I looked towards the door. "Ready?" He asked.

I nodded, "I guess." Todoroki gave me the smallest of smiles grabbing my hand and walking to the door.

He opened the door saying, "Welcome Shinsou and Kaminari. You can set your shoes by the door, and then I'll lead you to your rooms to get settled."

"Thank you, but Denki and I would prefer to stay in the same room," Shinsou replied. I shiver slightly just his voice making me remember all of the things that happened.

"That'll be fine," Todoroki replied stepping out of the way so that Shinsou and his plus one could walk in. "WHOA! This place is even bigger than Kirishima's!" A bright blond haired boy exclaimed in amazement.

Then he turned and we made eye contact. "Hi! I'm Denki Kaminari!" He chirped sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I smiled taking his hand, "Hello I'm I-Izuku Midoriya." I saw Shinsou flinch slightly.

"Nice to meet you man! What do you do around here?" He asked. 'He's very hyper kind of like Uraraka. I bet they would get along.'

"Uh...well I'm Todoroki's boyfriend," I replied sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. Kaminari's eyes widened in shock.

"Toshi! You didn't tell me that Todoroki had a boyfriend." Kaminari stated looking back at Shinsou. He gritted his teeth, "I didn't know he had one."

I flinched slightly at the stern tone in Shinsou's voice, and Todoroki squeezed my hand reassuringly. I smiled up at him.

"Sorry I didn't think it would be important considering we're here for business, and we should probably start soon," Todoroki stated sternly. It was so weird hearing him use that kind of voice.

Even when he's mad or wants me to do something he doesn't use that type of tone. 'I wonder why he acts so different around everyone else?'

"Ya I guess your right," Shinsou said grabbing his and Kaminari's stuff. Then Todoroki and I led the way up to their room.

"We'll give you some time to get settled. Izuku and I will just be three doors down, so come get us if you need anything." Todoroki stated looking bord, before leading me to our room.

Once we got in he sighed letting down the stiff posture that he had on before. "I don't think Kaminari knows about Shinsou's past," Todoroki sighed.

"Yeah I don't know he seemed like he was just trying to meet someone that wasn't all business, business like," I replied putting my finger to my chin looking up.

"God your adorable," Todoroki muttered before coming over and pressing his lips against mine. We started to kiss it was slow, passionate, and calming all at once.

I never wanted it to end, but soon we both ran out of air. "I love you," Todoroki exclaimed.

I looked up at him with wide eyes. "What?!" I shouted. Todoroki smirked, "Well you said I love you yesterday, so I wanted to say it back."

I blushed, 'Did I really say that out loud?!' "There's nothing to be ashamed of baby," Todoroki whispered pressing light kisses on my neck.

"W-well I love you too....again," I exclaim kissing Todoroki once more.

'Knock knock'

Todoroki sighed looking up in irritation, as I giggled. Todoroki walked over to the door pulling it open.

"I would like to get some work done now if that's okay with you," Shinsou sighed. "That's fine," Todoroki stated once again showing no emotion in his voice.

'Weird,' I thought, but shook my head not wanting to focus on it to much. "Alright I'll be taking my leave now Izuku," Todoroki exclaimed walking over and kissing me on the forehead.

"Okay see you," I chirped before Todoroki walked out the door. 'What do I do now?' I thought as I went over and sat on the bed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was sitting on the bed drawing a sunset with some small water colors that I had brought from my house.

I was sitting on the bed drawing a sunset with some small water colors that I had brought from my house

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(This is actually a really good painting. Deku just keeps saying it's bad, because he's self conscious. Also this isn't my art.)

Painting wasn't one of my favorite forms of art, but I need to get better at it, so I practice. Then I someone came busting into the room.

I jumped slightly looking up to see who had come so suddenly. "Kaminari?" I exclaim in confusion.

"The one and only!" He replied sitting next to me on the bed. I raised my eyebrow as if to ask, 'what are you doing?'

"Is it okay if I come hang out in here with you I was getting bord?" He asked. I nodded, "Sure I was just painting anyways."

Kaminari's eyes widened in curiosity, "Wait you can paint? That's so cool, can I see?!" I smiled showing him my picture, "I'm not that good."

Kaminari's eyes go even bigger, "What?! Not that good!? This is amazing!" I smiled at the compliment, "Thanks I guess."

Then Kaminari and I begin to talk and get to know each other. Surprisingly we were actually quite similar even though we have very different personalities.

'Okay nows the time to ask. You need to make sure he's safe.' "So how's your relationship with Shinsou?" I ask.

"It's really good actually! He's really nice even though he seems grumpy, and he's changed a lot since he was younger!" Kaminari chirped.

"Oh really? How so?" I ask. Kaminari looks down, "He's going to be really mad at me for tell you this, but he was dating someone before me. He was quite abusive and forced them to do stuff they didn't want to do especially sex wise. He only told me that his name was Deku or something like that.......he really wants to meet them again to apologize."

I was in complete shock. 'He wants to apologize? How can someone be with him after knowing what he did.'

For what felt like the first time in forever I was rendered speechless. WHAT?!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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