<Chapter 18>

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<<<Deku's POV>>>

"Hey baby are you feeling okay?" Todoroki asks walking into our room. "No.....my head and stomach really hurt," I groan turning over in the bed as I try and get comfortable.

Todoroki walks over to me a concerned look in his eyes. Then he puts his hand to my forehead probably checking if I have a temperature or not.

"Hmmm, well you definitely have a fever, and I'll get you some medicine for that head ache," Todoroki says softly rubbing my back. I lean into his touch, "O-okay."

Todoroki sighs getting up and leaving the room. I lay there waiting for him to get back, but get the feeling that I'm going to throw up.

I quickly get up rushing to the bathroom, and barely making it to the toilet in time. A few seconds later Todoroki comes rushing in.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Todoroki shouts in concern. "I-I felt like I was gonna throw up," I exclaim before hurling into the toilet again.

I start to cry. "I-I'm sorry," I sob the fact that I'm sick messing with my emotions.

"Hey, hey, it's okay you don't have to be sorry it's not your fault that you're sick," Todoroki says rubbing my back gently as he sits on the ground and pulls me into a hug. I sit snuggling into his chest taking in the reassuring warmth that he is providing.

"Here take this and we'll get you back to bed," Todoroki says picking me up after I swallow the pill he gave me. He takes me back to our bedroom laying me on the bed.

"I'm going to go finish up a few things at work, and then I'll be back okay?" Todoroki says walking to the door. "Mhmmmm," I groan scrunching my eyes closed.

I was in so much pain. Everything hurt, and it felt like I was going to die........well okay maybe that was an exaggeration but you get the point.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

It had been about two hours of tossing and turning, before Todoroki finally came into the room. "Hey baby you awake?" He asks in a whisper tiptoeing into the room.

"Y-yeah," I choke out turning my head to see him with a bowl of soup in his hands. "I brought you some soup," He exclaims.

"Nooooo, I don't want to eat my stomach hurts to much," I whine rolling onto my back. Todoroki sighs sitting on the bed, "Baby you need to eat something. It might even make you feel better."

I just groan staying where I was. "Please baby, we can even snuggle after," Todoroki bribes.

'Damn he knows I can't resist snuggling as a bribe,' I thought sitting up. "Fine, but I don't want to much," I sigh.

Todoroki smiles grabbing the bowl and handing it to me. I take a few hesitant bites, but it was so good that I shovel it into my mouth, before the pain in my stomach becomes to unbearable.

"Owww," I whine setting the bowl on the night-stand. "Hey, hey, shhhh it's okay, come here," Todoroki says in a soothing voice with his arms outstretched in my direction.

I crawl over to him, and snuggle into his chest. He rubs my back soothingly, as we sit there embracing each others warmth.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Todoroki and I have been cuddling for about half an hour at this point, when suddenly he gets a call. He takes his phone out of his pocket answering it.

He starts to have a conversation with the person on the other side of the phone, and sounds quite concern. "Alright hold on sir I'm not at my computer at the moment, but I'll call you back when I get there," Todoroki states before hanging up the phone.

"I have to go love, I'll come check on you in a minute," Todoroki states getting off the bed. "O-okay," I sigh already missing his warmth.

Todoroki nods leaving the room. 'Why does he always have work?' I think snuggling into the blankets once more.

'I mean I get that he has a big job, but it seems work is all he cares about'

'Wait no I'm just being selfish'

'But he is doing work a lot'

'No.no. I'm just getting jealous for no reason, because I'm sick'

'Yeah that's it'

I just decide to ignore my thoughts. After all I am sick and that messes with your emotions, so that's probably why.

"LOOK SIR WE'RE TYRING OUR BEST TO FIX IT!" I hear Todoroki shout from the other room. I sigh, "Guess he won't be coming back for a while."

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(Hehe be ready for some jealousy sex soon~!)

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