The First Message

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Izuku was bored, like so incredibly bored. He had absolutely nothing to do. All of his friends were out with their significant others and he had no one. Well with the exception of Katsuki but the greenette knew the blond probably wouldn't want to hang out this late. He always liked to go to bed early, something about keeping his skin healthy

In all honesty, Izuku didn't really know.

Though the one thing he did know was that he didn't like to go to bed early.

It was only nine! He could stay up at least another hour or so and still get the recommended amount of sleep!

Katsuki was just dramatic.

Chuckling to himself the green-haired man grabbed his phone. Maybe he could distract himself on Twitter. It was a pretty entertaining form of social media and usually sucked him into scrolling through it for hours, so hopefully, it could keep him occupied.

But alas,

It didn't.

After about five minutes he started to get bored and irritated.

Everyone in his friend group was still super caught up in the fact that his friend Jiro had gotten a Sugar Mama. It was some really rich woman named Momo and though Izuku hadn't met her yet she seemed nice.

He was actually really happy for his friend, the purple-haired girl didn't really take care of herself so having someone to look after her was good.

Yet it made him incredibly jealous.

He wanted someone to love and take care of him, a sweet, caring, and thoughtful partner, that would pay him for his time just because they liked having him around.

It seemed nice and would be a good way to throw himself back into the dating world without getting into an actual relationship. The few he'd had have never been much good.

Izuku shook his head, he shouldn't be thinking about him right now, and returned to his scrolling.

But once again he started to get bored. The couples' posts were really getting to him and making him feel like he wasn't worth anything. But then something caught his eyes.

A light pink and white ad that said 'Find Someone To Take Care Of You!' In big bold print. It was almost like the ad was begging him to click, so he did. Taking a couple of seconds to load the website pops up making him gasp.

It was a Sugar Daddy website!

He blushed looking down at the big button that said 'Get Started On Your Journey To Love!' He couldn't believe that he'd actually clicked on a website like this! Let alone that he actually wanted to see what would happen!

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