Chapter 1: Introduction

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The strongest thing in the world. It can give someone hope when everything seems lost and a feeling of power when you think that you can fight no more. Belief can make anything stronger, more alive and truer. From belief is how many religious gods got a name, how legends and stories are being formed.

It all starts with a name and one believer. The light spreads, from person to person and that name gains power. Slowly, it is more believed in and that name gets a form, then a face and then existence.

This is how the fairy tails came to be. How the protectors and the enemies of the children appeared and how they exist up until today. However, just like in every situation, there is a catch.

A small area that is not white or black but grey. There, no side can be taken, and no rules apply the same. In the case of fairy tales, you have the light side with the Guardians and the spirits; tasked to protect their children.

On the other side, you have the Boogieman and those who want to harm and terrorize the innocent bright souls of young children. And in the middle, in the grey zone, you have a single lonely figure with a task no one else wants, a task that makes them receive hatred and fear instead of admiration and love.

And that person carries it without a word of complaint. That person is Thanatos but nowadays, she goes by Grim Reaper.


Suburbs of North England

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Suburbs of North England

Grey clouds decorated the afternoon sky, hiding the sun behind their thick and white bodies. A light spring breeze shook the tree branches and made the flags move. On earth, humans walked or drive their cars while going on their everyday lives.

Some rushed, others took it more slowly. Alone or with a partner, young and old. Yet, among the colourful and alive bodies that moved across the earth; a figure stood out. Leaning next to a tree at the side of the road, the figure stayed hidden and almost became one with the shadows of the trees around and above her.

Dressed in a black ripped cloak with buggy sleeves and hood, it stood there with no skin or bone to be seen. Just a standing, bodiless and invisible figure; watching and waiting. The right hand was lifted, a pale human hand came out from the giant black sleeve. With the fist closed, it held an old chain and from the other end, an hourglass was hanged.

It was old and wooden, nothing fancy. The sand inside was almost over as the name of a person was carved across the upper wooden part.

Suddenly, the shadows around her came to life and another figure emerged from them. The skin was pale and looked paper-like, black spiky hair and molten-gold eyes. Standing tall and thin, the clothing was a long robe made from shadows and black sand. With hands behind its back, the figure marched towards the hooded figure and flashed a toothy smile; sharp white teeth being a contrast to the dark environment around them.

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