Chapter 7: Easter Hope

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As the duo kept fighting, Pitch materialized at their blind spot and pulled the string of an invisible bow. An arrowhead made of black sand was materialized and he aimed for Sandy but waited, having a plan in mind.

Suddenly, a group of nightmares came from Thanatos' blindside and hit her, sending her off the dream sand and into the sea of nightmares. Acting quickly, she used her scythe to deflect whatever she could.

Sandy noticed and immediately went to attack and help her, letting his side open for the sneaky attack of the arrowhead that hit him right between the shoulder-blades.

"Sandy!" she shouted as she sliced another nightmare and had a small opening, allowing her to see the dark sand had started to cover his small body.

Pitch laughed menacingly while Sandman turned to face him. "Don't fight the fear, little man" he laughs more. "I'd say sweet dreams, but there aren't any left"

Thanatos watched with wide eyes, tears threatening to spill as she watched the only guardian to ever treat her nice, to never be afraid of her; fade away and she could do nothing about it; he was no human with a soul.

She started to slice nightmares and stepping on them, rushing towards him, but the short man turned to look at her and rose his hand to stop her. She didn't obey and kept trying to reach him while watching with watery eyes as the brave guardian closed his glowing yellow eyes before being taken over by the black sand. Then, he disappeared.

"!" she shouted she narrowed her eyes, the iris glowing a dangerous red as she suddenly jumped on a nightmare and then on another and made her way towards Pitch.

Pitch laughed as he quickly commanded his nightmares to attack, knowing she stood no chance against his endless army of dark horses. Yet, she fought each one with punches or sliced as she tried to come closer to Pitch.

Her mind was clouded, she didn't think and didn't care. She just wanted to make him pay for what he did to her, for what he did to the children and for what he did to Sandy. She was almost in front of him when a nightmare hit her straight on the chest, knocking her back.

Taken by surprise, she almost lost the grip on her scythe and flew back only for another nightmare to slam on her back. More quickly attacked and quickly brought her hands in front of her face as she tried to protect herself, slowly falling but being pushed around by the nightmares.

That was until something passed by her and she felt a cold wind touching her. Lowering her hand, she saw Jack charging into head-on into a wave of nightmares that had bundled up together perhaps to try and finish her.

"Jack!" she shouted as he saw him being devoured by the wave.

She landed with her back on the hard floor of the sleigh but kept her eyes on the wave, fear for the spirit clouding her heart which would ache if it was beating. Suddenly, they all sensed a new power and a white glow came from within the wave.

Jack clutched the staff forward, feeling the need to avenge Sandy and protect Thanatos. A new power surged through his entire body and a darting ice-light rippled through the Nightmares. They exploded into black sand-like fireworks over the city, knocking Pitch away with a scream.

"Jack!" North shouted his name as the spirit was now falling down, barely conscious.

Tooth quickly caught him and landed on the sleigh panting. She placed his head on her lap and looked at him as he started to gain consciousness.

"Jack, h-how did you do that?" she asked him.

"I...I... I- I didn't know I could"


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