Chapter 11: Unexpected Backup

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Thanatos kept travelling in the shadows, not knowing where she was going or where she would end up. She simply kept shifting, moving as further away as possible from Pitch and the guardians.

Tears stung the edge of her eyes as she kept going until she couldn't any longer. Getting tired, she stumbled out of the shadows sobbing and fell with her knees on dry soil. With head bent, she sobbed, shoulders shaking as she wanted to curl into a ball and stay there.

Pitch's and Bunny's words echoed in her mind, forcing her to place her hands on her ears to stop them but failing to do so. Her body shook, the scythe fell by her side as she kept sobbing in front of a very old tombstone.

After a moment, she leaned forward only to notice the object in front of her. Lifting her head and pushing her white hair to the side, she blinked and looked where she had ended up. The land was bare and dead, an endless yellow dessert.

She was surrounded by ruins, made from earth and clay that had the majority of their structure gone from the edge and the changing weather.

The place though was not unfamiliar to her and her red eyes locked on the only tombstone that was standing. The name on it was almost gone, faded away and the dead language it was written on was making it even harder for anyone who tried to read it.

She left out a sigh and leaned her back against it, closing her eyes with hands resting on top of her bent knees. Her loyal friends had come from her sleeves and had curled up beside her, trying to comfort her.

She left another sigh, trying to stop thinking and just empty her mind. That was until she felt light on her. Opening her red eyes, she looked at the moon.

"What do you want? Do not dare to start again. It's over. Pitch will win and I won't participate any longer in this stupid war" there was no answer and she scoffed, finding it stupid to expect one from him. Closing her eyes, she tried to ease her mind when a memory played.

A small child with blond-sandy hair...a gentle arm on her shoulder...the sound of laughter and the sound of a dog...thunder crashing, horses whine loudly and blood stains the sand below...the small child alone, the laughter replaced by crying and a burst of demonic laughter...

Lightning crashes again...the shadows take the form of pitch...children crying in fear...hiding under blankets, calling for their parents...a hooded figure watching defenceless...the laughter echoing along with the cries...the moon covered by dark clouds...

She gasped and pushed her body forward, panting as she looked at the ground and tried to calm herself. Her friends watched her with worry, but she paid them no mind as she tried to push aside all those horrific pictures.

Once she was calm, she hugged her arms tightly and closed her eyes, face buried on her knees. "Why did you remind me of that? Why do you keep torturing me?" the wind started to blow in the desert, carrying distant voices of a child laughing.

Standing up, she grabbed her scythe and rushed towards the source, her friends following her. She came to a halt, panting slightly and watched at the tents placed just outside of the ruins. A caravan had taken camp, their camels resting while the people were around the fire.

Among the adults, a little girl with brown air and light brown eyes. She giggled and danced around the fire, smiling as some adults clapped for her. She was carefree and happy, her face shining.

She came to a halt after she got dizzy and fell on the laps of her father, one hand on her forehead in a dramatic ending. The man chuckled and started to tickle her, the girls giggling and trying to push his big handoff.

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