Chapter 5: Gathering Teeth

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An unusual sight could be spotted by any believer being awake in the middle of the night in Northern Russia. In the capital of Moscow, all 4 guardians, the grim reaper and an unknown spirit were racing...sorts off.

North had the most fun, running and sliding over rooftops with grace quite unlikely from a man of his size. He balanced on pointy tips and jumped high into the air. "Quickly, quickly!"

Bunny was running on all four at normal speed, covering ground. Suddenly, Jack hovered by his side casually, the winds carrying him along. "Hop to it, Rabbit! I'm five teeth ahead!"

"Yeah right! Look, I'd tell ya to stay out of my way, but really what's the point? Cuz you ain't be able to keep up anyway!"

"Is that a challenge, Cottontail?"

Bunny smirked. "Ooh, you don't wanna race a rabbit, mate"

Suddenly, he became a blur of white and grey as he zoomed across the rooftops at a newfound speed. Jack just stared awestruck before snapping out of it and summoning the air to move faster and catch up with him.

"Is it a race? Is it a race? This is going to be epic!" North shouted as he appeared from one chimney to the other.

Thanatos, who was using the shadows to move, came to a halt on the rooftop at what the jolly man had just said. "What? How can you make it a race? Did you forget the reason why we do it?"

She received no answer but just laughed as he continued to use his powers to gain ground. She hanged her head when she sensed something. Turning to her left, she saw sandy casually floating.

He shrugged his shoulder and offers a smile before motioning with his tiny hand for her to continue. She gave a nod and followed him.

Tooth seemed to be in the most exciting state. Been such a long time since she came out for teeth that she was overwhelmed by everything.

"4 bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They're everywhere!" she kept flying without paying proper attention and slammed on a giant sign, earning a groan of pain.

"You okay?" Jack asked as he floated by her side.

"I'm fine! Sorry, it's been a really long time since I've been out in the field"

"How long is a long time?"

"440 years, give or take?" she giggled and took off.

"Wow" someone commented, catching the winter spirit off guard.

Turning fast around he noticed Thanatos leaning against a nearby chimney. Hands in front of her chest folded casually, she looked at him with those red pools. "Oh hey, thought you left us for a moment there," he said, trying to act casually but mentally cursing as his words made it sound the exact opposite.

She lifted an eyebrow. "I did and I came back. I am afraid my job doesn't have a time frame" she explained quite bluntly.

Jack tried to look cool but leaning on his staff mid-air, but he missed and almost fell if it wasn't for the wind to keep him and his walking stick up. He smiled with pride only he noticed an amused smile on her face.

"So she can smile"

She kept the amused smile, a faint blush on her cheeks as she looked the other way, "You better catch up Frost. I am two teeth ahead"

With those words, she let the shadows consume her and leave him starring there for a good minute. Once back to reality, he chuckled and sped up to continue the job. He quickly ended up heading for an opening window, only to see Bunny already there.

Guardian of Life (Jack Frost x OC)Where stories live. Discover now