Chapter 10: No more Hope

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Canterbury, England

She landed on the ground and hid behind a tree, as the scene unfolded in front of her very own eyes.

"There aren't any eggs..."

"There's nothing here"

"I give up, come on"

"Let's go. "

"He didn't come. I don't understand"

The voices of sad and disappointed children reached her ears clear and she watched with wide eyes as the kids walked with their heads down and holding empty baskets.

"Maybe he just hid them really well this year," a girl said, trying hard not to give up hope.

"Kids, wait—" Bunny said as he ran between the last two kids with a basket of his own.

"I checked everywhere. There's nothing" the boy said.

"-- Yes there is! There is! I mean these aren't my best-lookin' googies, but they'll do in a pinch!" The spirit said as he held them out to the two kids.

The girl looked down, not noticing him. "I can't believe it—"

"I- I know" he chuckled ruefully.

"--There's no such thing as the Easter Bunny"

"What? No!"

"Easter's over—"

"Wrong! Not- not true! I'm- I'm right in front of ya', mate!"

However, the boy passed right through him, causing him to gasp in despair. Thanatos watched and was forced to hold back a gasp as her human hand covered her open mouth. She had just now got slightly closer to the Easter Bunny but either way, she hated seeing him like that.

It didn't help when he crumpled over and started to cry softly. The heart she didn't have aced and she wanted to go and comfort him but before she could, Jack appeared.

"Jack! Where were you? The Nightmares attacked the tunnels, they smashed every egg, crushed every basket - nothing made it to the surface!" North said.

Tooth flew over to them, only to gasp once she noticed the Tooth Box. "Where did you get that?"

The spirit was shocked. "I was- It's, uh—"

"Where's Baby Tooth? *She gasped again, more horrified* Oh Jack, what have you done?"

"That is why you weren't here? You were with Pitch?" North asked.

"No, listen! Listen! *He sighs* I'm sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen!"

"He has to go" Bunny suddenly said as he managed to regain some composure.

Jack turned towards him. "What?"

"We should never have trusted you!" Bunny looked heartbroken, betrayed, then shook his head. !Easter is... new beginnings, new life. Easter's about Hope. And now it's gone" he then turned and shuffled away from him.

Jack turned around but both North and Tooth had turned away from him. He then pulled out the wooden baby from North's nesting doll and dropped it in the grass. Thanatos watched in silence, eyes dropping as that scene triggered a very painful memory.


It was middle ages and the Guardians have just won against Pitch. Now, sealed away they quickly spread their gifts across the globe, making each child smile. However, what they did not know was the fact that damage had already taken place.

Thanatos materialized into North's workshop which was then very small and under development. Not many Yeti existed since North's power was still growing. His fellow guardians were already there, and Thanatos was actually kind of excited to meet them from close.

She had a small smile as she noticed them, happy internally that there were other Guardians like her. Plus, she had to thank them for dealing with Pitch.

"What is it doing here?" a voice with an Australian accent said.

She turned her hooded head towards the owner of the voice, seeing Bunny on alert while giving her a glare.

"Bunny! This...this is not nice" Tooth scolded but made sure to fly closer to North while sending nervous glances at the Grimm Reaper.

"You don't belong here. I have seen what you do. I saw her with Pitch!"

"Just because you saw me with him that doesn't mean I am your enemy! I am a guardian, just like you"

Bunny scoffed. "Oh please. What kind of guardians can be the source of nightmares to children?"

Her mouth and was faintly visible as the hood was not covering her face fully. "That wasn't me! That was Pitch!"

She looked at North who seemed kind of in the middle but in his eyes, she could see he had already picked a side. "Look...Uhm...Thanatos...It's not that you are not a Guardian...its just, the whole children thing, you understand"

"Don't try to be nice to her North. Doubt she knows what it means with what she does" she glared at him, feeling hurt as her hand with the scythe shook from both anger and frustration. "What are you going to do? Kill me as well?"

His words were calm, but his actions showed that he was ready to attack with her very next move. Her red eyes looked at each Guardian, seeing Tooth and Sandy feeling sorry for her and staying quiet. Then at North who simply stood there awkward and last at Bunny.

His hatred for her was visible and she suddenly realized she wasn't part of the group. They did not want her and so she wouldn't sit around and beg them to want her. Pulling her hood little higher to completely conceal her face, two silent tears rolled down her cheeks as the shadows took over her body.


The memory aced to this very day despite the many years that passed ever since. Pitch's words echoed in her mind and the hand that was holding the bark had left nail marks on it. She never managed to explain how it was Pitch who had manipulated everything.

How he used her mere existence to scare the children. Back then when her job was keeping her super busy and people were dying younger. Her name had spread like wildfire and everyone tried whatever they could to keep her away even though they couldn't.

He had used it to fuel the nightmares of everyone he could, reaching all kinds of children. Especially those who lost some loved one at that period. This is how she ended up being feared that much and she didn't choose it.

Once, death was part of life and it was accepted. Those dead were remembered and buried with honours or kept alive in memories of others. But after that era, everyone kept trying to avoid dying by any means necessary.

Movies and TV shows depicted her as evil and soon, everyone knew what Death was and how bad she was. While the guardians obtained believers, she obtained haters.

Without realizing it, she felt tears escaping her eyes at the feeling of being used as a scapegoat. Of being hated and exiled for things you didn't choose. She wiped them and was about to approach when she heard Bunny speaking again.

He was slouching while Tooth and North were trying to comfort him.

"And Thanatos...she said she would be back but, where is she? Do not dare to tell me she has work to do, all this time...she is no better than who she used to be..."

She stopped dead, only one leg extended but she dared to make no move. Lowering her head, she withdrew her step as she realized it was too late. Whatever she had managed to create, Pitch had taken it away from her like before.

Without a word, the shadows swallowed her body and she disappeared, no one ever knowing she was there, to begin with.

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