Chapter Four: The Start of Something

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'The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you're not going to stay where you are.' – J.P. Morgan

Adventures of a Lifetime

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That morning she wakes up remembering a dream of rolling down hills, trees sparkling in the sunlight and laughter leaving her lips as she heard her brother calling out behind her. It felt like a long-forgotten memory, but it made her feel like this was going to be a good day.

It's a new month, she's been in this new world for a month now. The days are continuous, they don't stop for anyone. She either has to swim, or she'll drown.

She's been an active participant in the world since her trip to Dover. Sarah Jane had noticed her art work and she's got her a job at her local newspaper making short comics. She's made drawings on cards for local summer fairs and people have commissioned her to draw portraits for their loved ones and friends. It's good work. Much more creative than how she was working on her Earth. It's inspiring her again, the brightness within her soul is shining and her work is flourishing.

Sarah Jane has been asking her if she wants to join in her investigations, it feels like something she might want to dip her toes into. The Sarah Jane Adventures of what she can remember (which isn't much) had much lesser stakes than Doctor Who, there had definitely had been less death. It was a children's show. Maybe she'll be up for it soon, not at the moment. But soon.

It's also a show that she remembers even less of than the Doctor Who episodes, she had watched them when she was in the early years of secondary school. She remembers there's children called Luke, Clyde and Rani and that they'd been in school during the seasons. She can't even remember how many seasons there were. So, it shouldn't be a problem of joining in on some, since she doesn't remember any spoilers. Much easier.

She's taken to working outside the house, to give herself some sort of routine. She's learnt the importance of that during isolation. It's weird seeing people in close contact and groups wondering together. She has to hold back from leaving large gaps between herself and others. Sarah Jane has noticed now she hesitates to shake other's hands, she just hasn't questioned her on it yet. It is something she'll have to cure within herself, she can't talk about it since she doesn't know if it will be a spoiler for this Earth. And if it will be or not she doesn't want that on Sarah Jane's conscious, for her to be dreading 2020 and all it entails.

But back to her work, she's been drawing in parks and coffee shops easing herself into human society. The library has become a regular stomping ground, with the internet being unbearably slow. Had it been that slow back in her past or has she been spoilt with what her modern had been like? Anyway, the books and their contents inspired her, she used them for reference in her short comics and any other art she worked on.

Sarah Jane had been busy the past few days, apparently her editor wanted her to redo a piece. It was still the summer holidays so plenty of people were out enjoying the sunshine.

She tugged on her work out clothes, intending on partaking in her morning ritual of a jog. Exercising would release endorphins, it was a productive activity that would only prove to help her in a lot of aspects of life.

She tucked the key into the tiny pocket in her leggings after shutting the front door, in one hand she held a water bottle. She began warming up, stretching herself out to prepare her muscles before setting off.

Her thoughts wondered to her situation again, as her environment became unremarkable in holding her interest. Joining Sarah Jane. It would be a remarkably interesting experience, perhaps it was time.

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