Chapter Four: The First Encounter

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Ding! Shuichi looked down at his phone. There was a text message, from an unknown number. He opened his phone and read the message. 

  Hi Saihara-kun! It's Kaede. I thought it'd be smart to be able to contact you while we work on this case together! Shuichi stared at the message for a minute before responding, trying to think of what to say.

  Hello Akamatsu-Chan. It is a smart idea to stay in contact. A few minutes passed, then a new message came through.

  We're meeting tomorrow at noon to investigate all the alleyways without cameras, right? Shuichi looked up from his phone. He was on a bus this time, heading back to his and Kaito's apartment. The bus was stuck in traffic from the 6pm rush hour. He had time to respond without fear of missing his stop.

  Yes, we are. Shuichi quickly sent as the bus moved forward unexpectedly. 

  OK! Just checking in! See you tomorrow partner! Shuichi smiled slightly and turned off his phone. He looked at the road ahead. Jam packed with people in cars trying to get home. Shuichi pulled his hat over his eyes. It's going to be a while before the bus gets to his stop isn't it... Shuichi breathed a quiet sigh before slipping his phone into his pocket. What could he possibly do in the next few moments to entertain himself before the bus finally started moving again... BANG! Suddenly, a loud gunshot rang through the air, causing multiple people to flinch or jump. The people on the bus started murmuring fearfully as police sirens started wailing in the distance. On the rooftop, something white was making its way down the street, swift and silent. The quiet, fearful murmurs turned into loud screaming as some people started pointing at the white figure as it made its way down to the road where it is now jumping on cars to get across, seemingly effortless. Shuichi watched as the figure came closer to the bus, every muscle in his body tense as he caught a clear look at this figure. 

Purple hair, pulled back into a ponytail, a classy mask, like one you would wear to a masquerade party covering half of this person's face, a fancy looking white and gold suit and checkered tie. The figure leaped onto the bus, landing with a dull thud before dashing off into the distance, police officers on motorcycles and on foot alike all chasing after it. Shuichi listened as the sirens faded into the distance and the chatter around him beginning to calm down. Was that the Phantom Thief? Shuichi pulled out one of his files in his bag. It contained all known information about the Phantom Thief. The file was nearly empty, the only information inside describing what the Phantom Thief looks like. There were only blurry pictures to match with the file, but as far as Shuichi knew from the vague description of the Phantom Thief, he knew that he just witnessed the Phantom Thief in action.


Shuichi walked down the hallway to his and Kaito's apartment, his thoughts completely occupied by what he had seen just mere moments ago. The Phantom Thief, dangerous because of how little people know about them. It's even uncertain what their gender is. Dangerous for their intelligence and ability to melt in with the shadows. These were all on the file for the case, and Shuichi tried to clear his head of the Phantom Thief. There's no point in reminiscing over the Phantom Thief themselves, after all, Shuichi isn't working on capturing them. He needs to focus on finding the missing detectives. As Shuichi was occupied by his thoughts, he bumped into someone. That someone stumbled backwards, as well as Shuichi, who was startled out of his thoughts. 

 "A-ah! Sorry, sorry, I spaced out and didn't notice you were there!" Shuichi immediately began apologizing, pulling his cap over his eyes again. The someone appeared to be a mature looking woman, wearing a black apron and a white dress. She looked up and replied, 

 "It is quite alright." Shuichi rocked back and forth on his feet, before speaking up again, 

 "W-well, I'll be on my w-way now. Sorry for running into you!" He quickly excused himself and rushed into the safety of his and Kaito's apartment.


"Hey Shuichi! You free tonight?" Kaito asked, leaning his elbow on Shuichi's head, startling him. 

"Eh? Y-yeah, I guess... (Kaito get off of my head please..)" Shuichi replied, losing his train of thought. 

 "Great! I was thinking we could hang out somewhere!" Kaito suggested with a big grin. "How does the arcade sound for ya?"

 "Um... well..." Shuichi glanced at his work. He was getting a better idea of where to start looking and checking for the missing detectives traces other than the last place they were seen. He'd hate to stop there when he was finally beginning to make some progress. 

 "Aw, Shuichi, the night's still young! It's only like, seven thirty or so!" Kaito exclaimed, trying to persuade his best friend. "You can't just work your life away." 

 "Alright then... I'll go..." Shuichi agreed reluctantly. He could use a break, relax a little bit. 

"Great! We won't be out for long, promise!" Kaito said happily. "You'll be back to your workaholic ways in no time!"

 "I... I didn't need to hear that last bit..." Shuichi murmured quietly under his breath as Kaito dragged him out of his chair and out of the room.


Blinding lights flashed everywhere in the arcade. All kinds of people occupied different gaming machines and various noises of prizes being earned, frenzied button mashing, and light hearted chatter filled the air. Shuichi was almost blinded and deafened by the noise and lights upon entering. As a hardcore introvert, Shuichi wasn't used to all the noise and people. He regretted his decision almost immediately as he began biting on the ends of his pointer fingernail.

 "Come on Shuichi! I want to try the basketball machine first!" Kaito called out to Shuichi as he jogged to the back of the arcade, excited.

 "A-ah! Momota-kun, wait up!" Shuichi yelled before jogging after Kaito. When he arrived, Shuichi saw Kaito standing in front of one of the basketball machines, holding a ball. Kaito turned around upon Shuichi's arrival and grinned. 

 "Hey Shuichi! Wanna see me dunk this ball?" Kaito asked. 

 "Wait Kaito, there is a plastic barrier though- oh my gosh what are you doing." Shuichi watched in horror as Kaito dunked the ball into the hoop. Ding! 500 showed up on the scoreboard above Kaito's head. In the corner of his eyes, Shuichi saw other children around them beginning to copy Kaito's example and winced inwardly for their mortified mothers. He pulled his hat down over his eyes again. 

 "Shuichi! Pass me another ball! We're going to get so many tickets from this hehehe-" Kaito laughed evilly. Shuichi rubbed his face and heaved a big sigh. This has to be breaking so many rules of the arcade... 

 "Momota-kun please... you don't have to... uh... cheat like this to win..." Shuichi said, looking at Kaito, still inwardly cringing.

 "Shuichi. You don't understand." Kaito spoke, his expression deadly serious. 

"This." Kaito pointed at the hoop. "This is the only way I can get enough tickets to win some of those big prizes!" Shuichi glanced at the prize counter. Then he looked back at Kaito. 

 "A-are you talking about those big teddy bears?? What do you need with a giant pink teddy bear??" Shuichi exclaimed, as Kaito ducked under the plastic and returned to where he is supposed to be instead of behind the plastic barrier, wondering how he ended up with Kaito as a friend and roommate.

 "Hey, don't look so much like you want to melt into the ground and disappear!" Kaito scolded Shuichi. "Now c'mon, shoot a shot, show me that you don't have to cheat to win, haha!" Shuichi hesitantly took a ball and as he was about to shoot, he felt a chill running down his spine. Shuichi turned around quickly, just in time to see someone familiar duck behind another machine

 "Shuichi? Whatcha looking at?" Kaito asked, following Shuichi's eyes. 

 "N...nothing." Shuichi lied, slowly turning his focus back to the basketball machine.

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