Chapter Ten: Planning Carefully

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The cold night air blew in through the now shattered window, flapping the blinds dramatically, the three detectives having varying expressions of shock. Kyoko merely stared at the intruder with a mild expression of surprise and annoyance. After a minute of an improvised staring contest, she spoke. 

 "You... broke my window." She said, her tone suggesting that she isn't very happy. The phantom thief shrugged.

"It's a window, not your bones." They sighed. Kyoko scoffed quietly, crossing her arms. The phantom thief then turned to Kaede and waved, a bright smile on their face. "Hey Akamatsu-chan! Sorry for shooting you by the way!" Kaede rolled her eyes and put a hand on her utility belt. 

 "I'll consider that an awful apology." She said scathingly. Kyoko glanced at Kaede. 

 "Akamatsu-chan, put the gun down." She said coldly.


"Akamatsu-chan." Kaede huffed and put her gun back in the holster.

"Fine... can I at least taze him?" She asked, moving her hand to be on her taser gun. The phantom thief raised a hand to put it on the top of the window.

"I would not like that!" They exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Kaede snapped.

 "Kirigiri-san... what do we do now?" Makoto's voice was quiet and held an equal amount of fear and hardened resolve.

"Geez, do y'all really not want the tea on Shuichi?" The phantom thief sighed, scooting around to sit on the window sill instead, a hand still on the top of the window. 

 "What tea?" Kaede spat. "Do you even have any good news about Saihara-kun??" The phantom thief smirked.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." They teased. "I'm a liar after all~" Kyoko slammed a hand on the table, shocking everyone, the phantom thief almost falling off of the windowsill. She looked up, her gaze one cold and threatening.

"What is your aim here, Mr. Phantom Thief." Kyoko asked, her expression as emotionless as ever but her words were dripping with hostility. "Tell me why I shouldn't have Akamatsu-chan here taze you where you stand." The phantom thief raised both of his hands in surrender, their eyes wide from behind the mask.

"Woah. calm down Miss Detective Boss Lady, don't be so mean..." They complained, sniffing. 

 "A-are you crying?" Makoto asked, confused.

"Anyways- I'll tell you why." The phantom thief continued, ignoring Makoto's question. They turned to Kyoko, who was still standing defensively, and smiled slyly. They spread their arms out grandly. "Nishishi!It's cause I have an idea of where Shumai is~"

"Because you're the one who took him, hm?" Kaede scoffed. 

"Nope! Wrong!" The phantom thief giggled. "I would assume the yakuza or something took him."

"How... Do you know Saihara-kun has been... taken?" Makoto asked as Kyoko sat down. The phantom thief raised a finger, then dug around in their pocket. The phantom thief then took out a picture and flipped it towards the other three people, where Kaede caught the picture and looked at it. It was just a picture of the skid marks of a car on the road.

"What is this?" Kaede asked.

"You'll find this on the path Shumai usually takes to walk home, nishishi!" The phantom thief laughed. "When you find it, we'll talk more!" They said before waving goodbye and swinging out of sight. Makoto turned around to Kaede.

"Can I see that, please?" He asked, holding out a hand.

"Sure, why not?" Kaede responded, handing over the picture. Makoto took the picture and gazed at it for a minute before turning to Kyoko.

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