Chapter Eleven: Keep Your Guard Up

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Kokichi crouched trap door entrance, hiding behind a nearby tree. He put a hand up to his ear to the earpiece that Kyoko had given him.

Khhhhh, this is Kyoko, Kaede, how is it looking? Kyoko's voice came through the earpiece.

Looking alright! Wait a minute- Kaede's voice responded. A minute of static. Kokichi shifted his position behind the tree, resisting the crazy urge to giggle. This is going to be so much fun! Kokichi thought excitedly, feeling the familiar and much looked forward rush of adrenaline. There was a loud crackle, and the trapdoor swung open.

Makoto! Distract them now! Kaede frantically yelled.

Got it! Makoto replied. Kyoko! P.T! The door should be open, go go go! Kokichi giggled to himself as he leaped out from behind the tree and made a dash towards the now open trapdoor, sensing Kyoko following him. Kokichi heaved a big sigh as he leaped into the trapdoor. What an irritating player to this game. The stupid flat-faced detective had insisted on coming with him because she didn't trust him or some crap to actually rescue Saihara-chan. As if- Kokichi scoffed to himself as he adjusted the mask on his face, dashing off down the hallway, his footsteps silent and swift.

He could've sworn that the end of the hallway had gotten farther away since the last time he's been there.

"These rooms..." Kokichi heard Kyoko mutter behind him, not a trace of breathlessness in her voice. "And yet it is suggested there are more... it's like a prison..."

"I suppose so! Guess kidnapping is a regular occurrence for them~" Kokichi snickered, doing his best to mirror Kyoko's tone, even though his lungs were burning already from sprinting down the hallway. The two of them raced down the stairs, but as they reached the bottom and was about to turn the corner, a chill ran down Kokichi's spine and he stopped dead in his tracks, holding out an arm to keep Kyoko from rushing forward as well.

"What-" Kyoko began but Kokichi turned to her, holding a finger to his mouth. Isn't she supposed to be a frickin' detective? Doesn't that mean she's supposed to be smart as hell or something like that? Kokichi wondered before peeking around the corner to confirm his suspicions. A few guards were heading their way, murmuring in confusion. Crap. Must've been from idiotic, frickin Makoto's distraction. Kokichi looked around, looking for vents, a room, something to hide in. He felt a poke on his shoulder and he turned to Kyoko, who pointed above them, where there were support beams keeping the ceiling from caving in, presumably. Kokichi quickly pulled out his grappling hook and took aim and shot, hearing his heartbeat beating so loud, and clicked the button on the grappling hook, which caused it to drag Kokichi up. At the last minute, he felt some extra weight grab onto him, almost ripping his arm out as Kokichi sped towards the roof, almost falling off if it wasn't for Kyoko, who had grabbed onto the beam and pulled herself up, if it wasn't for Kokichi. Kokichi resisted the urge to giggle again, and settled for a big grin.

This detective bish could be useful in Dice. He thought as he pulled himself up with Kyoko's help. The two of them crouched in silence, watching the guards climb the stairs and out of sight. Kokichi jumped down first, landing on his feet, feeling shock and pain shoot up his ankles and leg, stumbling a little bit while Kyoko landed a bit more gracefully and ran up ahead.

That. Frickin. Show-off. Kokichi thought sourly before stumbling after her. Soon, they came across the room the paper said his beloved was supposedly in. Kyoko tried the door. Locked.

"Who's there?" Someone yelled from inside, followed by a soft wince. Shumai?? Kokichi quickly took out a hairpin and got to work with the lock.

"So here's the plan, plain face." Kokichi hissed under his breath. Kyoko raised an eyebrow.

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