Monday morning

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I wake up to the screeching sound of my alarm clock, shutting it off, I walk over to my bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. Then over to me closet trying to find an outfit I'd look okay in. The first thing to catch my eye are a pair of ripped jeans and a black crop top, which I pair with black ankle boots and some hoop earrings. I walk over to my vanity and turn on my curling iron and begin to put on my makeup. After both are finished, I go to Elijah's room to wake him up. Since he can't manage to do so on his own.

"Elijah! Monday morning get up, we have school

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"Elijah! Monday morning get up, we have school."

"Okay fine." I hear him stumble out of bed.

I walk downstairs and into the living room to find my book bag. Sadly, my father is at the coffee table watching the news. Great, just who I DIDN'T want to talk to. He's emotionless and always chooses Elijah over me.

"Good morning Rose. It's a lovely morning outside today."

"Morning father, well isn't that nice?" I say meanwhile grabbing my adidas backpack. I get away from him as fast as possible and reach the kitchen where my mom stands at the stove making an omelet. My dad normally sits around doing the business work while she does the cooking, cleaning, ect. At meeting and parties and shows her and us off as if we were the perfect family.

"I made breakfast."

"Thanks mom but I really have to get going, I can pick something up on the way."

"Oh okay, nothing too high in calories okay?" The only thing she worries about.

"Yes mom." I slam the door behind me hopping in my car.
By Friday night, after keeping a routine of no breakfast, soccer practice, and an extra run. I manage to lose five pounds. It's barely noticeable though and I'd prefer if it was that way mother doesn't bother me about it. So I think I'm going to start skipping lunch to. It can't be too hard, I mean it wasn't with breakfast, plus no one noticed or questioned.  As long as I keep up with my exuses, I should be good. Plus Niki, my best friend, has a gym membership. I told her yesterday I was thinking about joining with her, she said I can start coming as guest with her to see if I like it first. Tomorrow is my first day doing so.
Saturday morning ...

"Hey mom, I'm going to the gym with Niki. If that's okay?"

"Yes dear, I think you could use it anyway. I can tell you've gained a few this month."

Of course that's what she thinks it's what she always thinks. I walk outside where Niki is waiting with some coffee and bagels blaring music.

"I bought us some breakfast to eat before we go work out."

"Good, thanks Niki!" I say taking a sip of my coffee. I wait until we get going and she looks away to throw my bagel out the window. Just like every one else, she didn't notice me disposing my food. I thought it would be a little trickier than this if I'm being honest.

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