Skipping Lunch

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After two hours at the gym, Nikis ready to go. I really want to stay for a while longer but I don't want her to notice how hard I'm pushing myself. So we're heading out.

"Any plans tomorrow?" Niki asks opening her car door

"No why?"

"There's a party at Max's house at ten tomorrow."

"Be at my house at nine, we can start getting ready and we'll be there by 10:30."

"Sounds like a plan."

The drive home consisted of loud music and Niki talking about soccer practice Friday.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" She yells as she speeds away from my house.

Walking in I smell lunch, and I question how I'm going to get out of this one.

"Here's your plate honey, eat then get a shower. You smell disgusting after the gym."

"Gee thanks mom, I'm just going to quickly eat upstairs in my room before getting my shower."

I take my food into my room and dump it in the trash. I do feel a little bit of hunger. By dinner time my stomach would hurt the days before now. I knew it would, last year my depression hit really bad in March. I stayed in my room all day and didn't eat. My stomach began to hurt but it was durable, so I know it will be durable now. I hop into my shower, and use honey shampoo and conditioner. Then use my rose body wash after I finish shaving. After I put my hair into a towel and wrap another around my body. I head over to my dresser and grab a pair of Nike spandex and a hoodie. Then I walk over to the scale. My weight dropped another two pounds, now at 98. I'm no longer in the triple digits, which brought a smile to my face. Even though I know it shouldn't. I turn on my speaker and begin to play Let You Down by NF

"Every time I sit on that couch I feel like you lecture me, eventually, I bet that we could have made this work and probably would have figured things out. But I guess I'm a let down..."

The music stops and I turn around to see Elijah, the music was so loud I didn't even realize he walked in.

"Heyyy! I was listening to that!"

"I don't care!" He said angrily, he's never like this he's always nice to me.

"What's your problem?" I question him quietly.

"Mom is making us go out to Dinner tonight because you haven't been home for meals."


"Yeah, which means I have to cancel my plans."

"What plans."

"I was supposed to go on a date with Maya."

Well this isn't good, one I don't want to be out with her and dad, two I don't want to eat dinner, three I'll miss the party at Max's house.

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