Talk From The Doctor

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I drifted back to sleep, and not even five minutes later my hospital door swung open revealing my parents.

"Rose, I can't believe you did this to yourself! What was going through your head, you need to eat!" My mother said as she stared me down.

"Honestly, she did this to herself, it's her fault. She does whatever the hell she wants!" Kind of the response I expected from my father.

"I-I didn't mean for this to happen." Tears started to rim my eyes but my parent emotions only held anger, and no sympathy.

"You always have your excuses Rose, we're leaving and the doctor will be in shortly.
A young lady walks into my room with a clipboard and what looks like charts. She has auburn brown hair tied into a neat bun, her eyes are emerald green. She stands at about 5'7" and walks with confidence.

"Rose?" Her voice tender as she questioningly calls out my name.

"That would be me." I answered in a quiet tone.

"It shows here that you have anorexia, you passed out on the soccer field at practice because of you lack of food consumption. I will be the doctor on your treatments for your stay at the hospital. Right now we have you on TPN. The cafeteria is right down the hall, each day a nurse will come inform you when it's time to eat. Until we're certain you are doing so, a nurse will stay with you during meal times. Your stay here is for a couple of weeks unless we see no progress, then the time of your stay will be extended. Do you have any questions?" She explains. Her badge shows her name as Dr.Mullen.

"Am I allowed to leave this room other than meal times?" I don't think I'd be able to handle being in this room almost 24/7.

"Yes, you are. Some areas are restricted though." She responded.

"Okay thank you."

Then she walks out of the room.

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