A/N: WHERE HAVE I BEEN? (+special suprise)

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Hi BBs!

I am very aware you guys don't like chapters like this, and most of you were most likely thinking this was a new chapter... sorry, it's not

But this is a well, I'll put that at the end after we get through it will be a surprise and whoever doesn't reads this misses out I guess


Okay well

I would like to start by 
Oh god exams 
I finished them about 1 week ago and I have to start an essay tomorrow even though there is only one week of school left Da fuk I know

I just got back from a 3 day school camp and I'm so sore.

Oh and let's just say League of Legends and Twitter has basically taken over my life at the moment 
I play on the Oceanic Server and my username is Ambamba if you want to add me if you play 
I main Jinx and Caitlyn 
I shouldn't be telling you this but Pax Next year
Expect to see some Jinx and Caitlyn Cosplay! 
I have gotten off topic

The main reason is that this story is feeling more like a job than a enjoyment 
I love updating for you all and making you smile and I wish to continue doing so but as some have noticed my updating has became a little, bad
I would like to thank who took the time to message me to see if I was okay and you guys know who you are, I love you very much and thank you for thinking of me.

While I haven't been writing I have been checking here and my Instagram extra and I would like to say I he fall your messages and art so thank you
I save them all to my phone and I cherish them basically

Okay so I think it's time to get into the good-ish news 
Well the first half isn't good soooo sorry ^^"

As some of you already know, I often get complainets and sometimes hate getting angry at me for not putting their question in.
If it continues I may stop the questions so minna... please, the internet isnt a place for hiding your face behind an account and abusing someone ...

you can hate me all you like, but please don't hate the entertainment I provide for so many Fairy Tail fans around the world.

Sorry the start of this is a lil' depressing, ne?

Okay to the good part you all would have been waiting for

I have been getting so many requests from you guys asking for another Question and Answer chapter so here it is

So once again you can as the characters any question you desire and they might just answer

You can also ask me something by saying either @author or @ambamba

I just want to make it clear due to the fan base of this story growing so quickly I will not be able to answer every question!

I suggest if you really want it answered to message me directly

Or just put it in the comments

So make sure you ask A LOT

Wendy: please make sure minna-San to say who you directing the question at by writing for e.g @Natsu or @Lucy

If it's directed to for than one character do this for example


I just want to say...

Long questions directed at one person I don't normally do

I actually can't copy and paste your comments into word so I have to type them out

That's why these chapters often actually take up to 3 hours to write

even more since there is more and more of you BBs!

I suggest keeping them short and entertaining for it to be chosen

But of course you can ask multipul questions


Don't forget to Like me on Facebook, follow me on instagram, follow me on twitter, subcribe to my Youtube, Watch my dA account

I recently posted a YouTube video so goto my channel which is linked on my profile and check it out :) it's just a little skit

Oh and follow me here on Wattpad too!

If you have any questions, concerns feel free to contact me :) x (facebook and twitter links on my profile if your wondering )


P.S Also I just want to say 
I don't know how many people read the little author notes at the start of my chapters, I just want to say how important they are to actually read because most of the time they have very important information.

Good night I hope to read all of your questions soon.

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