#whatdowecallit Part 11

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Nicole makes her way over to the bathroom door. She knocks lightly to announce her presence to Waverly.

Nicole- Hey love. I'm here.

Waverly- Good! I didn't want to hold it much longer.

Nicole- You didn't have to hold it babe. I didn't need to be here specifically to hear you pee.

Wynonna butts in again. Whispering in Nicole's ear as she makes her way down the hall and up the stairs to go find Alice.

Wynonna- You two are so kinky. She says wiggling her eyebrows & poking at Nicole's sides as she passes her in the hall slowly.

Nicole- You don't know the half of it. She says with a smirk.

Wynonna- Hey! That's my sister! Incredulously.

Nicole- You started it.

Waverly- Am I seriously listening to my wife & sister argue while I pee?

Nicole- Are you peeing?!

Wynonna- Ugh, bye! She heads up the stairs towards the twins' room where she can already hear giggling.

Outside the bathroom door Nicole is leaned with her back against the wall, hands in her pockets, feet a bit wider apart than she needs to steady herself. She supposes she's just used to doing it that way to accommodate Waverly that she does it that way completely unconsciously. She shrugs at the thought.

She is so excited. So excited. So excited and scared. Definitely a little scared. Because what if.... And yeah she knows you don't want to go down that "what if" rabbit hole but at the same time "WHAT IF" it's negative again. She is so not ready to see Waverly cry.

She cried. Nicole wasn't meant to see... No... hear, those tears. Waverly said she was okay after it was negative. They carried on with their night and she smiled when she asked if we could try again in a year. Of course Nicole said yes. Yeah she cried a bit but not how Nicole would have thought.

Nicole found out she saved those tears for later. She claimed to be folding laundry but Nicole could hear her labored little puffs of air as she tried to catch her breath from sobbing. She knew to give her her space until she was ready to come to her. Nicole had learned many years ago that when her bride retired to the laundry room it was her safe space to get it all out before she was ready to talk to her.

Lost in her thoughts Nicole doesn't even hear Waverly wash her hands and leave the bathroom. She is now suddenly directly in front of her tugging at her shirt and holding the tension.

Waverly- You lost in space there Sheriff? Leaning in for a kiss and allowing her full weight to rest on to her wife's strong body.

Nicole- Now, we wait? She says wrapping her arms around her.

Waverly- Now we wait. Nodding into her sternum. Why don't you change out of your uniform and I will go check on Bridger & Aunt Gus? She says leaning back and straightening her skirt.

She is not going to lie and say she doesn't notice Nicole's eyes follow her hands as she fixes her skirt. She also isn't going to lie and say she didn't then fix her bra even though it didn't need to be fixed.

Look. They have been together for 10 years and to have someone look at you like that and MEAN IT, well... it feels damn good after two pregnancies!

Nicole- With a look of concern. Are you sure? Doesn't it only take a few minutes? 

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