Chapter 3: First Year of Captivity

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Day One

Jocey woke up with an agonizing headache and fluttered her eyes. For a moment, she forgot what happened.

"Did I party too much when I was home alone and fell asleep. No. Wait! Oh my God! I've been kidnapped by some armored men and a bald guy! How long have I been here? What do they want from me?What's going to happen to me!?" she panicked in her mind.

She was in a dark room, and she couldn't see a thing. The only source of light was through the metal bar window. She looked through the light and saw that the shrapnel that was in her left leg was gone and stitched up. She laid on the cold, hard, solid ground which made her back ache. Jocey quickly got up and observed the area of her prison.

The cell was three and a half meters tall, five meters long, and four meters wide. The walls were made of granite bricks, and there was dry blood on them. It was freezing and wet in the cell. Jocey could hear water dripping down somewhere. The cell also smelled like piss, sweat, and death as Jocey put a hand over her mouth to prevent the smell from entering her nostrils.

Jocey rummaged around the walls to feel if any bricks were  loose and could break free of it. Unfortunately, all the bricks were still as a board.

"Hello?" she said. "Is anyone there?" No answer.

Jocey then slid down into a corner until she sat down. Her knees strapped to her chest, arms wrapped around them , and face hidden in them. Sobs wracked through her body.

Jocey started to reflect on her whole life and went back to some fond memories: Owen and her playing on a playground, working on self-defense with her mother and the Howling Commandos, Uncle Howard talking about meeting a girl named Maria, learning about her father through history, and her mother kissing her good night. She can't see them anymore. Her freedom is gone. Gone because of the bad men.

"My life is stolen and I'm not even ten years yet. I want my mom. I wish I agreed with my mom. Mom please help me. Dad?" Jocey thought.

She continued to cry for two hours until exhaustion came and she fell asleep


Day Five

It's been five days since Jocey had been kidnapped and, her body was starting get weak due to the lack of nutrition and hydration. She wondered if S.H.I.E.L.D was trying to find her or the police. Her mother must be worried. It's probably going to take a while to find her since there really wasn't that much evidence to find where Jocey was kidnapped except for a destroyed house and a missing daughter. She couldn't give up hope though.

During her first few days of captivity, Jocey did many activities to pass the time: counting all the bricks on the wall and blood stains, listening to water dripping down, looking through the barred window to see if anything or anyone was there, singing or humming to herself quietly, reminiscing about the past, and sometimes even make her own choreography.

Footsteps were heard all of a sudden; outside from Jocey's cell. Jocey tensed, preparing for anything to come in her cell.

A slot, that was built within the cell door, opened. A tray that had a cup of soup, bread, and a cup of water slid into the cell. Then, the footsteps began stomping the other way.

Jocey hesitated to eat the food, worried that someone poisoned or drugged it, but she was so hungry and thirsty that she couldn't resist. She grabbed the tray and ate swiftly off of the ground, not caring if she looked like an animal.

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