Chapter 6: Getting New Powers

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Very Long Chapter With Info on Jocey's new powers

November 7th, 1993

Jocey jolted awake on the examination table when a pair of hands set her back down. Her whole body was disoriented and in agony, like she was smashed by a big building.

"Calm down, Rogers," a familiar voice said. "You're still a little weak from the beating you got nearly twenty years ago. I put you in the chamber before they tended to your wounds. I'm sorry about that, but your presence with the Winter Soldier meddled with his mind."

Jocey looked up to see the person she hates the  most, Baron Strucker. She tried to slap him, but her limbs felt too heavy, and she was a little dizzy.

"Also I'd like you to meet an old friend, who is going to be your doctor and caretaker," Strucker gestured.

A man in a lab coat, looked about to be in his late forties or early fifties, brown, reddish hair with slight graying, and glasses came walking into the lab.

"His face is so familiar," thought Jocey. She observed the man's face closer and gasped a little. It was Owen. She recognized Owen's facial features with some wrinkles and had matured.

"You son of a bitch!" Jocey yelled, trying to get out of Strucker's grip, but she was too weak to even get up. "This is your fault! You did this to me!"

Owen smirked at her. "Nice to see you too, Jocey, and you're still a little girl. So weak, while I grew up to be strong."

The girl glared at her fake friend, still trying to get up.

"You may now tend to her, Owen," Strucker authorized. He then got up and walked away from the lab.

Owen went to where Jocey was laying and pulled out a tranquilizer.

"No!" she half shouted. "Don't touch me, you psychotic bastard!" She then rolled to the ground, crawling away from him, her head pounding in pain.

Owen gripped her wrists, sat on her, and moved her hair to the side. He took the cap off of the syringe and plunged it in her neck.

"No," she slurred, still trying to crawl away, but felt darkness claiming her after she heard Owen's voice saying, "I'm going to have so much fun with you again."


Jocey woke up, feeling much better. She sat up in her bed to see Strucker kneeling at her level.

"What's going on?" she asked, suspicious of Strucker was doing in her cell, for he never comes into her cell.

"For many years, I have tried to make you a worthy weapon for Hydra, but so far I've been getting nowhere," Strucker explained.

Jocelyn raised an eyebrow at him, confused on what he's trying to say or what he's going to do with her now. "Did he finally give up on me and wants to kill me?" she thought. "Death would be better than living in this nightmare for the rest of my life. I'll gladly let him kill me."

"Instead, I have to decided to give a gift," Strucker said. "I'm going to experiment you with many chemicals and formulas I've created, trying to enhance you more than what you already are. You will have unlimited power, and Hydra will become unstoppable."

Jocey wanted to throw up and shrudder at the sound of that, but decided against it. She didn't want more power. She just wanted to be the same girl, go back with her mom, and live a normal life; not be a captive and a lab rat of Hydra.

"Enhancement experimentation will begin tomorrow. Be prepared," Strucker told the girl.


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