Chapter 5: Strucker and.... Bucky?

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ Little bit of sexual abuse occurs in this chapter. I'll try to keep it minimal as possible, so you won't be grossed out. You can skip it if you want to. I'll notify it. I promise I won't write something like this in another chapter. This is just part of the character's development of going through this nightmare.

February 2nd, 1973

Jocey felt the chamber defrost once again as she gained consciousness. Two pair of hands grabbed her roughly and threw her on the ground harshly. She blinked a few times to adjust her vision, and a hand slapped her face in the process.

"Wake up, girl!" an unfamiliar harsh voice ordered as a hand slapped her again.

Jocey saw a tall man with a monocle and slicked back brown hair glaring down at her. He wore a black uniform that had the Hydra symbol on the right breast pocket. Everything about this man screamed authoritative, coldness, evil, confident and power.

"Who are you, and where's Zola?" she asked. The man's black glove came striking down at Jocey's face once again.

"You don't get to answer questions until you have permission, little girl," the man said. "But to answer your question, I am Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. Zola died by a disease. I then moved you to Europe where I happened to be the next leader of Hydra here!"

"Hail Hydra!" a bunch of Hydra agents yelled in the background.

Jocey knew that this next Hydra leader will treat her worse than Zola based on her getting out of the chamber in a ruthless way. Nevertheless, she still wouldn't surrender to him and become a puppet of Hydra.

She got up on her knees, looking at Strucker, and waited patiently for his orders.

"Take her away and give her 30 lashes," he ordered. He then pushed a button that activated her taser disk, shocking her.

Jocey fell to the ground, her body jerking as she looked up at Strucker once again. "I will make you feel so much pain that you won't sleep peacefully for months and you will scream for hours. I will break your body, spirit, and mind to make you the ultimate Hydra asset," Strucker whispered harshly in her ear. She scowled at him before she was grabbed by two Hydra soldiers that took her to her cell.


THWACK! The last lash struck at Jocey's back.

Her new cell was similar to her previous one but was a little smaller and the light was dimmer, making her cell darker.

The Hydra agents removed the restraints on Jocey's hands as she slumped to the floor. Her back was burning with wounds, and she was breathing heavily as she stared up at the ceiling.

⚠️One Hydra guard crouched down to her and leaned in real close, looking at her face with a lecherous look. His large hand cupping her face, caressing her face.

Jocey turned her gaze to the side to avoid his lascivious eyes.

"You know you're a very pretty young girl. Like a beautiful little flower. I wonder if Hydra can see more of your beauty," the guard whispered in her ear before reaching the hem of her shirt.⚠️

Tears slid down Jocey's eyes. "I will not break no matter what they do to me," she said to herself.


Jocey thought that Zola's treatment for her was bad, but Strucker's was even worse. He'd barely gave her food and would starve her for a few days. The Hydra guards would physically beat her even if she didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes on rare occasions the guards would catcall her and molestation would happen. Fortunately, she wasn't forced by any of the guards.

Jocey would often cry in the shower or while going to sleep. Still, her spirit said that she can get through this. "I will not be broken. I am not a helpless little girl. I am strong. Hydra can try to cut me down, but I will not let them. Instead, I will let my spirit soar away,the bad things will be able to go away, and I will be able to fly freely," she told herself every night before she went to bed.


February 27th, 1974

Last week during training, Jocey saw another cryostasis chamber that was bigger than hers, big enough to fit a grown man. She couldn't see who was inside the chamber because the ice clouded the window, and Strucker wouldn't allow her to go near it.

Jocey was training with a big, hefty Hydra guard when she manage to bloody the man's nose with her elbow as a counterattack.

This burly Hydra guard was the most ruthless to Jocey during her time in captivity, and was sadistic, and quick tempered. He was also the one who gave her the most beatings during her third year.

He was not happy getting a broken nose. He pulled out the device that controlled the shocks on Jocey's taser disk, and activated the disk.

Jocey fell to the ground, writhing in pain. The shocking stopped, but Jocey received a strong left hook to her face and the shocking appeared again. The bulky man started hitting her all over her body while turning the taser disk on and off.

Jocelyn was on the verge of passing out from the hundreds of beatings from the hefty man all because of breaking his nose

CRASH! The massive man was off of her and was thrown into the wall. A pair of black boots came walking towards the Hydra agent, who was groaning after being thrown to the ground. Jocey's vision accommodated to see a tall, muscular man with long brown hair punching the living daylights out of the burly Hydra agent using, what seemed like, a metal arm with a red star most of the time.

Once the Hydra agent was knocked unconscious, the man turned to Jocey, and she recognized his face.

When she was seven, she learned that her dad had a childhood best friend, named James Buchanan Barnes or Bucky for short. He also served in World War II as a Howling Commando, and appeared to fall to his death during a mission.

"Bucky?" Jocey whispered.

Bucky prowled towards Jocey while she was scooting away from him, afraid that he might attack her. She backed into a corner and raised her hands defensively.

The man with the metal arm did not hit her however. He cupped her face with his normal and metal hand, forcing her to meet his face. He looked deep into Jocey's baby blue eyes, and something in him sparked.

"Steve," Bucky mumbled.

Jocey looked at him in confusion and pulled his hands away from her face. "I'm not Steve. My name is Jocelyn. I'm his daughter."

Loads of Hydra agents came running in, tearing Bucky away from Jocey, abruptly. Strucker came in to the training room.

"Get him in Memory Suppressing Machine and take her into the cryostasis chamber!" Strucker barked.

"NO! NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE! LET ME GO, YOU BASTARDS! RUN, BUCKY!" Jocey screamed as the Hydra agents dragged her into the chamber.

One Hydra agent held her while the other one put the restraints on, and closed the door.

"NO! NOOO!" she screamed until ice slowly filled up the chamber.

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