Prologue: Origin of Jocelyn

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ A little bit of "fondue" involved. This is purely for information on how Jocelyn was conceived.

Third POV (No One's Point of View)
April 6th, 1945 9:25 p.m; SSR Base, London

After the meeting of planning to infiltrate Hydra's last base which was found due to the interrogation of a captured Arnim Zola. Steve walked to the hotel he was staying in until Peggy called after him.

"Steve wait!" she shouted running towards him.

He turned around to see her right in front of him. "Peggy, what are you doing here?" asked Steve.

"Frankly, I don't really know. I'm just worried about the plan going wrong tomorrow. Your stability right now is a little rocky because of Barnes' death, and it might put your concentration off. Schmidt is on that final Hydra base. He might kill you."

"Peggy, I have to stop it. Hydra cause too much trouble. And I'm fine! I won't let my guard down," Steve replied back.

"I won't let you die, Steve. Without you, I'm helpless. I love you! You make me feel like I'm not just a beautiful dame. I feel wanted. I feel needed. Don't go into this battle blindly," Peggy said.

Steve looked down at her for a second and sighed. "I love you too; you make me strong."

An hour later after the argument, the two walked into Steve's hotel room. "I'll never forgive you if you die in this battle," said Peggy glaring at Steve and walked towards the exit.

Steve grabbed her by waist and pulled her towards him. "I know I might die and this will be the last time I see you, but I want to make our time worthy," Steve whispered.

He leaned down and kissed her. His lips touched hers, kissing her passionately. Peggy put her hands around Steve's neck, kissing back. They kissed for a few seconds and then started walking backwards towards the bed, taking a condom with them.



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6:00 a.m

Steve woke to the light shining on him through the blinds. Next to him was Peggy, in his arms sleeping besides him. He caressed her hair and face for a few seconds before her eyes fluttered.

"Good morning, darling," Peggy said looking back at Steve and smiling. She kissed him on the cheek. Steve smiles back.

Peggy and Steve were getting dressed, not saying anything. "So, um, uh, well did we...?" Steve said nervously with his cheeks turning red.

"Yes, we fondued. Luckily, we had protection," Peggy said putting on her jacket and heels.

April 7th, 1945 2:30 p.m; Recent Captured Hydra Base

"Come in! This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?" Steve questioned through the communicator.

"Captain Rogers, what is your-" "Steve, are you alright?" Peggy asked in concern taking the communicator from Jim Morita.

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