Chapter 9: Attack on the Sokovia Base

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April 30th, 2015; Sokovia Hydra Base

Jocey was sitting in her cell, reading a Sociology/Psychology book and eating her lunch.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm went off with the announcer saying, "Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack."

Jocey spit out the water she was drinking. "Are we really under attack?!" she thought eagerly. "I maybe can finally get out of this shithole."

A bunch of Hydra guards were running out of Jocey's cell area to go into battle or to guard the base.

"HEY!" Jocey shouted angrily, slamming her hand on the glass cell. "WHAT ABOUT ME?! AM I JUST SUPPOSED TO BE LEFT IN THIS CAGE AND ROT?!

One Hydra guard then froze and turned to her cell. He walked over to the glass cell and smashed it with his weapon. He then pulled out the remote that controlled her bracelets.

"If you try to escape, I will shock you," the guard warned. "You go-"

The guard was interrupted by a throat strike by Jocey. While he was stunned, she picked up the book she was reading and shoved it into the guard's face. She then drove the book harder into his face, pushing him into the wall.

Jocey proceeded to use her super strength to hold the book on the man's face with one hand and used the other to punch the book into the soldier's face brutally with multiple hits until he was out.

The guard fell to the ground with a bloody face and the remote out of his hands. She took the remote and found the switch that unlocked the bracelets off her wrists. She rubbed her wrists to get the blood circulation going. The girl touched the guard's shoulder and siphoned energy from him.

"HEY!" an angry voice shouted. Jocey looked to her left and saw two Hydra soldiers had just entered her cell area. "Get back in your cell now!"

Jocey quickly used her telekinesis to break one of the soldier's bones in his leg. As he screamed in pain, she made a big jump onto the other one's shoulders and used her super strength to elbow the top of his head, making him fall to the ground unconscious.

The other groaned weakly, still feeling his legs in pain, but was interrupted by getting hit in the stomach by his fellow's gun which was used by Jocey. After a few hits, he was out.

"That's what you bitches get for torturing me," she said, glaring down at the Hydra soldiers' bodies.

The entrance to the cells was kicked open with ten to 15 soldiers running towards the girl. "I have enough with Hydra telling me what to do," Jocey said to them. She quickly immobilized some of them, and gave the others migraines as she walked out of the detention area. Her eyes concentrated on the doors intensely before they were closed shut, locking the soldiers in.

As she was walking, one Hydra henchman was sneaking up on her but his body temperature started to boil which made him fall on his knees.

"Moron," she said under her breath.

"Jocey?!" a familiar boy's voice was heard behind the corner.

"Pietro," Jocey said happily and ran into his arms, hugging him. "Your hair is getting more pale each day."

"Every time, I run it happens, маленькая звезда," he replied, smiling down at her.

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