TAG #8

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TAGGED BY: uechan_luv_0905

TAGGED BY: uechan_luv_0905

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[Wow. Two tags in a row... (=_=)]

1.) Hair colour
> Dark brown.

2.) Eye colour
> Also dark brown.

3.) Favourite book
> See in my previous tag in my utaite oneshots book. Too lazy to move them in the mean time, ww!

4.) Favourite colour
> White, blue, and green.

5.) Last song heard
> I fell asleep with my earphones plugged in and woke up by Root's song, "These Thoughts in a Song".

6.) OTP
> EveSou, RiinuRoot, and SatoColon, but NOT in a romantic way, www!

7.) Favourite animal
> Cattos and doggos and chimkens. Basically, anything that's cute.

8.) Favourite smell
> Petrichor. I feel relaxed everytime I smell it.

9.) Favourite song
> It's impossible for me to pick one.

10.) Job/What you want to do when you grow up
> I want to become an utaite, but that's kind of impossible, I know. So, either a language teacher or café owner.

11.) Favourite game
> The only games I play: Bungo Mayoi and Pokémon.

12.) What you would do with a million dollars
> Probably save them. I save more than half of my salary, so I would probably store them and forget about them until they rot.


Yeah. I would only spend them buying those things, www! And food, of course. Because food is life and you can't stop me with it.

13.) Crush
> My friend.

Oi, Fuyu-baachan, if you're reading this... SHATTAP.

14.) Anime/TV crush
> Hngh! Too many! I won't answer this!

15.) Favourite food
> Noodles and adobo (a dish in my country)! But if it's dessert, ice cream is always my comfort food~

16.) What you got for Valentine's Day this year
> Tests. Just freaking tests from freaking teachers. Only my best friend gave me chocolates. Although late, I still appreciate it so very much!

17.) Whoever you think could win a battle easily
> Particularly, what battle? (´・ω・')

18.) Best friend
> Everyone who see me as one is also my best friend~

19.) Are you ZE bus driver?
> Come again? I don't get this. Please someone explain this to me. I'm dumb as usual.

20.) Tag 5 people
> I'm counting on you guys. Spread the tag! Make chaos—


[Sorry for tagging you. You can ignore this if you don't want to do this, so, yeah. www! Have a nice day~! Stay safe!]

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