TAG #16

62 4 11

TAGGED BY: IloveAmachan


1.) Tag 5 people
2.) Answer the questions truthfully as much as possible
3.) Have fun!



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1.) If you were to be stuck in an island, what's one thing that you'll bring?
> A knife. (ㆆωㆆ)

2.) Something you remember as a child?
> I was brought to the hospital when I was six years old, New Year. The doctors freaking scraped the burnt skin on my hand with a freaking pair of scissor.

3.) If you were to go back in time, when in your life would that be?
> Back to being a kid. Probably during my early childhood or toddler years. I regret not enjoying my childhood life.

4.) Any unique talents?
> If sleeping for either two hours or twenty two hours is considered as a talent, then maybe yes.

5.) When you're struggling to get through the day, what do you do?
> Play musics, obviously. It can help me relax or calm down.

6.) An item you cherish
> Sketchpad, art materials, and all the things that my friends gave me since preschool. I still have them until now.

7.) If you write stories, write a sentence or two that you're proud of. And if you don't, a favourite phrase from a book or a quote
> I have two www!

❝ No. We're all here because of our choices. Instead of ignoring me, you chose to become my friend. And because you did that, you became my best friend. The choices that you've made, and the choices that I've made until now... Each and every choices that we made piled up, that's why we are here today. It's not a mere coincidence nor fate.
» "Wouldn't it be Nice to be in Love" chapter

You don't have to tell me that you love me every minute, every second of the day. It's not about how many times you say it. It's all about how you make me feel in here. Tonight was really the happiest experience I had through these years. I'm thankful that you're a part of that happiness. ❞
» "Smile" chapter

8.) Any instrument you play
> I can play the guitar. Then maybe, I'll try to learn piano sometime, so, yeah.

9.) A role model to you
> You all know Root, right? He left his studies behind just to pursue his passion, what he really want to do in life. He's too gutsy and took the risk despite being scared of what lies in the future. But look at him, he's now a famous utaite. He just proved that anything is possible as long as you won't give up!

> Trashy_Fuyu
> domo_Yui_desu
> Gratsu791
> G-Light
> NightmareTheBee (yes, a tag to commemorate our friendship (imsorry (´;ω;'))

Okie dokie! That's all, fellow hunams and sheeples~ I won't tag the same person over and over again. You don't have to do this if you don't want to. But Fuyu-baachan is an exception www!


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