Searching Dark Side

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TAGGED BY: Trashy_Fuyu , IloveAmachan

For lazy sheeples, here's the whole screenshot www!

I feel like adding a warning here because you'll see a very different side of me

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I feel like adding a warning here because you'll see a very different side of me.

1.) What do you fear the most?
> To lose the people I care for the most. You see, if I care about someone, I give them my all. That's one of the things that I dislike about myself. I get hurt A LOT.

2.) What do you hate so much that you can't hate it more than you already do?
> I don't hold grudge towards others, so can I answer myself instead? There are things that I'd like to change about myself, but I keep on failing to. I'd always say that "From now on, I'll do this", "Starting today, I won't do that", but it's only for several hours or days. After that, I still do it anyway. So, yeah. I hate myself.

3.) When someone hurts your most loved one, what will you do?
> I'm too scared to get revenge. I'm a coward. I'll just let karma do their work. Instead of getting revenge, I'll do my very best to help my loved one.

4.) Think about this, deep inside you, what do you truly wish for?
> Wow, this is getting deep www!

I just want a someone who can understand me and is ready to listen to every rants, pains, and such that I've been wanting to share all the time. The one who can go with my craziness and would never judge me for who I truly am.

I know it's impossible for someone like that to arrive in my life, but I'm still hoping that they'll come.

5.) If the world's about to end, what will you do in your last five minutes of being alive?
> Just thinking about this made me sad.

I would probably be crying so hard while messaging (or talking, if I have the chance to do that) every person that I care for the most, saying the things that I've been wanting to say to them like "Thank you", "Sorry", "I love you", and more. I'm not very good at expressing my feelings, but with this last chance, I'll most likely do that.

6.) Invisibility or ability to teleport?
> Ability to teleport because yes.

7.) If you're to die, why not now?
> Why not? It's not my time yet. I still have a heck ton of bucket lists waiting for me to do them already. And if I'd die, I'd be crying right now. Yes, I'm very weak. I'm also very scared to commit suicide, so I won't end my life just yet. Don't worry www!

Tag five people
> Ew no.

Did you expect to see that side of mine? You didn't, did you? Even I was shocked. Shocked to see that I also have this side.

Okay, this was... depressing. I hope I didn't scare you. (๑•́︿•̀๑)

But I hope you all have a nice day ahead, everyone! Stay safe!

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