TAG #12

54 4 25

TAGGED BY: Uni_SoraruMafumafu , Ringo_Akarui , Trashy_Fuyu , IloveAmachan

Seriously, you guys... You disrupted my peace. (ㆆ_ㆆ)


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1.) Mention who tagged you
> Henlo, Ruyu, Akarui, Fuyu, and Ren. (ㆆ▽ㆆ)

2.) Do it in less than three days
> I'm safe, hunams!

3.) Say 10 things about you
> I take a bath twice a day

> I love cute stuffs

> I sleep during class discussions. Yes, I'm shameless

> My dancing skills suck

> I love baking

> I always wear oversized clothes

> I love water, but I can't swim

> I'm actually running out of things to say

> I call my online friends hunams and sheeples

> Okay, I give up. My brain has been failing me lately

4.) Tag 28 people
> @28 people

5.) Tell a joke
> I'm a joke. Thank you very much.

Ah, no. Jel is the joke here. He's a walking meme-

6.) Write a spoiler for one of your stories
> "Please, I need help, (Y/n)." He stared at your (E/c) orbs before continuing, "Help me make a song!"

"Ha?" You sighed. "You know that I'm just a mere librarian, right? And now you ask me to make a song for you?" You pinched the bridge of your nose, clearly annoyed of him already.

"Well, you love books and..."


"Books are written materials, right? So maybe, you became a librarian because you wanted to be an author?"

With a bored expression, you answered, "Jeez, you're asking me to make songs! Songs are different from stories."

"They're both written so... same difference~"

[I freaking love this part!]

7.) Put these rules in your tag
> Done, and I'm out!

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