9: hair

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"How is this even possible?" Jin snaps as he takes in the image in front of him. Yumi tries her best to hold her laughter but she couldn't help the snicker that escapes through her lips.

"Stop laughing!" Taehyung whines while stomping his foot, his once grey hair no longer there. What took place was a mess of a bright red to him. Jungkook was behind him, plastic gloves with red dye on each were covering his hands. His own hair was dyed with highlights of blue at the ends, and he looked so guilty.

"What did you guys do?!" Jin shrieks before stepping forward to get a better look at Taehyung's hair, who knelt down pointing at it with a pout as though asking Jin to fix it.

"Hyung wanted to dye his hair pink, and I also wanted to do my hair, so I went and got the dye—"

"But they rant out of pink dye so he got the red one thinking if he kept it in a certain amount of time it will turn to pink instead of full-blown red!" He turns to Jungkook pointing at his head while fuming, "this is not rose field!" The maknae huffs before arguing, "well then maybe you shouldn't have asked for my help next time!" He takes the gloves off throwing them on the coffee table where a towel is set out along with the hair dyestuff and a handheld mirror. The young boy storms off into their shared bedroom and slams the door behind him. Taehyung felt guilty for yelling, but he couldn't help the rising anger of his terrible hairstyle.

"I can never be beautiful again" he cries before sitting on the couch, letting his face fall into his hands. Jin sighs while sharing a look with Yumi who finds the whole situation to be amusing and ridiculous. She's seen people with worst situations and not act as dramatic as these two grown boys do, one of them crying over his looks being taken away.

"How dramatic" she groans. Before Jin could say anything, the girl walks off, opening the bedroom door that Jungkook had just walked through before cries of pain were heard. She walks back out dragging the boy by his ears to the couch where she slaps the other boy upside his head.

"Ouch! Why—"

"You're both being children, it's just hair, we can fix it in one way or another if you guys aren't busy being drama queens" she scolds. The two hang their heads as they listen to her go off.

"You asked your friend to dye your hair, did you or did you not?" She pointedly asks Taehyung, the redhead slowly nods while looking at the ground.

"So don't complain if they do a terrible job. He's an expert on cameras, not hair" she tells Taehyung. She looks over at Jungkook, "and if someone tells you pink dye, why would you buy red dye? You could've easily gone to another store, but just because you know your primary and secondary colors, does not mean you can magically turn red dye into a light shade of pink when you're not even an expert." Jungkook rubs the back of his neck in guilt as she looks between the two.

"Learn to problem solve and stop being babies." She steps forward and takes a piece of Taehyung's hair in her fingers, her eyes scanning the color before stepping back to observe it once more.

"It's truly not that bad, I think it is a nice color on you" her voice grows soft. He looks up at her, eyes wide as he asks: "really?" She nods, "Yeah, you look like a kpop idol. But if you really want to change it then we can, we can go to a salon."

"I don't have money for a salon right now, that's why I asked Kookie to help" he sheepishly admits. She thinks for a bit of a solution before talking.

"My friend used to work at a salon, I could call him up and ask him to help, he's good with hair." Taehyung sighs looking at his red locks thoughtfully before turning to Jin, "what do you think of my hair, hyung?" Jin tilts his head looking at it with thought.

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