10: flip-flops and flowers

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a/n: sorry this is shit, i'm trying to get my inspiration again. also, black lives matter and acab, support the cause like our boys do, or gtfo. 😪

"What is this?" Yumi looks at the stack in front of her on her front desk. Her eyes go back to her computer screen, pressing on a card as the solitaire game does that cool little flicking trick across the screen.

"Is this a trick question?"

"Quit being smart!" She lets out a sigh before exiting out of the game and leaning her head on her hand as she gives her attention to the walking irritation in front of her. Her assistant manager.

"Looks like paper to me ma'am."

"Yes, papers that should have to been shredded a while ago, yet I wake up and come into work to find them still on my desk." She purses her lips before responding, "with all due respect I'm not your personal maid, you know the drill if you want me to shred your stuff you have to place it here in the wastebasket—" she lifts up the white can that held only papers that needed to be shredded.

"—rather than leaving it on your desk expecting me to pick it up." The woman scoffs at Yumi, "so you think just because you're pregnant you suddenly can't walk?"

"Never said that, though I do try to minimize movement as I am carrying a humanoid inside me that gives me terrible back pain and aches" she smartly puts, knowing she isn't wrong since she's entering the third trimester and things were growing close. The older woman scowls at her, "and I've had three children, each tough pregnancies I was able to work in and walk around without complaining." Yumi quirks a brow at her.

"Since when did I complain, you came to me assuming all this. I'm also on my first child, so let's keep in mind that this is my body's first time dealing with a child inside me so, therefore, I find it unfair you're comparing me to you" she fires back calmly. Her assistant manager was not having, her face in a hard glare. Ever since she started working here the woman has been terrible since day one to her.

"Perhaps you shouldn't have become pregnant if it was going to become a hassle for you to do your work." Yumi looks up at her with a deadpan look before reaching for the metal object that hangs off the near coat rack by the front desk. Her assistant manager confusingly asks, "what are you doing?" Her eyes watching as Yumi untwists the hanger. She pauses and turns to her assistant manager, "oh I'm sorry, last I checked you seem pressed about me being pregnant so lemme just pop into the bathroom and you know..." she makes a scooping motion inward towards her body with the metal end of the hanger, leaving her assistant manager to stand there in horror at the comment response she found to be insensitive.

It was around noon, she sat in a small restaurant, eating a meal with a box full of her stuff from work beside her in a chair. She lets out an annoyed sigh as she eats, using her other hand to scroll through job listings on an app she downloaded after finding it on the internet. After her little fiasco with her assistant manager, she got called in by the branch manager, who sat her down and spoke to her calmly about letting her go. She knew it had all to do with the assistant manager, and it wasn't the first time that lady has complained about her. Let alone the first time someone at all in the company complained about her, she had a few coworkers who also pushed her buttons in there. It seemed all of that added up and led to her termination. She didn't mind it, it's not like she liked working there, and she didn't even mention her assistant manager's insensitive comments about her pregnancy, she would much rather leave without a fight. It wasn't like that job had much going for her, and the pay wasn't that well either. Maybe it was the universe telling her to move onto something else.

"Screw them" she mutters to herself as she takes another bite of her noodles. She was so annoyed, also worried about income, what was she going to do now? Perhaps she can sign up in retail, or find something at a restaurant as a waitress. When the waiter comes back to ask if she was alright and needed anything else, she abruptly asks, "are they hiring here?" He was surprised by the question, but noticed the box of office stuff next to her, assuming she was fired. Though, he felt bad when he noticed her bulging stomach, wondering who could fire a pregnant woman so insensitively.

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