waking up alone in strange places

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A/N i invented a new thing called restrictors because hamon makes this plot a lot harder please don't sue me i'm sorry!


When you came back around, the first thing you noticed was the chill. The second thing you noticed was the heavy weight of metal around your wrists and ankles. You looked down. Chains around your ankles secured you to the bed you sat on. The bands around your wrists were different, most obviously they weren't connected to chains. Instead, they were wide bracelet-type bands, covered in some sort of amber gemstones. 

You took a moment to scan the room. It was large, the high ceiling making you feel tiny and insignificant. It was also very dark, with blackout curtains covering the windows and one dim light illuminating the part of the room opposite you. Aside from the bed and a dresser pushed against the opposite wall, the room was bare. The plain, wooden floor was also bare. You made note of a door on the wall to your left, assuming the door across from you lead to a hallway or other rooms of some sort. You wondered briefly where the other door led, before deciding it was likely either a bathroom or a walk in closet of some sort. 

Once you scanned the whole room, you had nothing else to keep your mind busy. The reality of your situation set in with a shock. You had been kidnapped. You had to get out of there. Picking up one of the chains attached to you, you gingerly moved your hand to cast a spell. As soon as you began, your vision darkened and white hot pain shot from your fingertips to your shoulder. Your head throbbed. You stopped casting and the feelings subsided. You trembled. 

The door slammed open, causing you to scramble to the far side of the bed, pressing your back against the headboard. Light poured in from the hallway, silhouetting the man who had taken you. Wordlessly, he came towards you. 

You were thinking more clearly now, albeit not much but enough, to take in his appearance. Most uncomfortably, he was barely clothed, donning some sort of leather... armor? It was a confusing getup, like he had just walked out of prehistoric times and stumbled into a tattoo shop. He moved closer. 

"Please," you begged, your voice trembling almost as much as your body. "Don't hurt me."

"I am not here to hurt you, I'm here to escort you," his voice matched his form, gruff, deep, and intimidating. 

You froze as he roughly seized your ankles, freeing you from the chains. He forced you to your feet, his grip iron on your forearm. You tried to resist, pulling against his grip and digging your heels into the wood floor to no avail. He was strong. Even if he hadn't been as muscular as he was, he still stood about a foot taller than you and you were small to begin with. You couldn't escape his grip, no matter how hard you tried. As he dragged you down the unfamiliar hallway, you took time to study your surroundings. The hallway was carpeted, unlike the room you had woken up in, lined with bright lamps and random paintings. Wherever you were being taken seemed to be a straight shot from that room. He pushed through a set of heavy wooden doors, shoving you to your knees inside the new room. 

"Stand up," a new, masculine voice ordered. 

You picked yourself up off the ground meekly, raising your eyes to meet the new man. He sat across the room, at the far end of a polished dining table. Something about his face struck you as familiar, though you knew you had never seen him before. His hair was voluminous, a deep shade of purple that you, surprisingly, found very pretty. His face was strong and angular, cut with hard lines and aggressively sharp. Your mind raced, desperately trying to connect a name to a face. Finally, something clicked.

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