when you dream of home tonight

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You ran, unable to hear the footsteps of anyone pursuing you over the sound of your own racing heart. Adrenaline coursed through your body and you could barely focus on anything but running. You went left at every point you had to choose, blindly hoping that you would stumble your way to the entrance. Each hallway looked identical to the last, you worried you were being led in a circle. Your breath caught in your throat as you stumbled up to a dead end, and you let out a wail of sheer desperation.


Burning hands seized your wrist just below the gold band you wore and half-flung you to the ground. Your entire body trembled as you looked up at the silhouettes of Kars and Esidisi looming over you. Kars' expression was a mixture of boredom and annoyance as he looked down at you, barely even winded despite the fact that you had been sprinting at a breakneck pace for the better part of ten minutes. 

"I must admit," he leered, "your confidence is impressive. I'm sure I will break you yet."

You held his gaze, determined to wait until he looked away first out of spite, though you wished you could be anywhere but where you were. He stared right back, and finally you gave in. 

Kars chuckled, "So stubborn, aren't you?" He didn't wait for your response, only silently nodding to Esidisi, who abruptly hauled you to your feet. "You will learn."

Esidisi's hand was still red-hot, your wrist clutched in his iron grasp. You whimpered high in your throat, trying desperately to pry his fingers from your wrist to no avail. His grip was too tight. He dragged you down the hall through a series of turns you weren't able to track through the blinging, ever-increasing pain. Through your blurred, teary vision you could vaguely make out the door to your room, along with Wamuu's figure. He stepped aside, allowing Esidisi to open the door with a slam before tossing you to the ground. 

"Watch her," he growled to Wamuu before slinking away.

You were in tears before Wamuu even pulled the door shut behind him. You cradled your scorched wrist to your chest, gasping for breath as violent sobs shook your frame. Your head spun, your upper lip and fingertips buzzing with a sensation similar to pins-and-needles from the lack of oxygen. Wamuu's gentle touch took over as you began to cough, guiding you slowly into the bathroom in time before you heaved up the little bit of food you had eaten earlier. You heaved until your chest hurt and there was nothing left in your stomach to cough up. From the corner of your eye, you saw Wamuu pout in sympathy. 

"Are you alright with me touching you right now?" he asked softly. 

You nodded, no longer audibly sobbing but still unable to stop tears from flowing. Tenderly, he gathered your hair- some of which you had pulled back from your face yourself- in his hand, rubbing small, comforting circles over the back with the other hand. You exhaled a shaky breath. 

"I hope this doesn't come off wrong," he said, you could hear a shy smile in his tone, "but you have very lovely hair. Could I braid it?"

You had to laugh, he had helped kidnap you and now he was asking to braid your hair. It was ridiculous, but you had to admit his touch felt good. So you agreed. 

Your wrist still ached, but his hands working methodically through your hair helped pull you away from it a bit. He hummed gently as he worked. Slowly, you felt yourself drift from reality. 

"You're very mighty aren't you, little one?" his question stunned you out of you daze.

"How do you mean?" you asked. "I certainly don't feel mighty. I've been crying on the floor for the past hour."

"That doesn't make you any less mighty. Were I in your shoes, I would have cried long before now. You are strong."

You shifted, suddenly aware of the pattern of your tights digging into your skin as you knelt. Now that you had calmed down significantly, your brain let you focus on the pain. Your wrist hurt so bad. You whimpered, and Wamuu took notice. 

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