it's hard to think, this eve of parting [end]

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Somehow, you had found yourself wandering back to the entry way Wamuu had taken you to a couple days ago, standing with your palms flat against the stone banister at the top of the staircase, watching the patterns the sunlight cast through the shattered windows. It would be so easy to just charge into the light and not turn back, to leave this stupid place behind you. You had your sweatshirt with you, which would at least help a little bit against the chill of the freshly laid snow on the ground. What kept you there, however, was Caesar. Like Wamuu had said, if you bolted now there was no guarantee Caesar would be safe. You didn't even know where you were, let alone if Caesar was anywhere remotely close to you. 

Kars' low, rough voice startled you out of your thoughts, causing you to flinch and whirl around to face him, adrenaline rocketing through your veins for a moment, "What are you thinking about?"

You turned away from him again, unable to keep your eyes off the snowy landscape for long. "My friends," you replied, halfheartedly. It was beautiful out there, just beyond your reach. You had always loved how fresh, undisturbed snow had looked in the sunlight, all the glimmering crystals. 

"Hm," said Kars, not one to be one-upped, even by things like the landscape. "Maybe if you're lucky, you'll see them soon. Provided they don't try anything stupid."

Your heart roared in your ears, you'll see them soon. Had he really just said that? You had to be hearing things, there's no way he'd ever let that happen. Or maybe Caesar really was close, and he was bringing whatever Kars and Wamuu wanted. You didn't want to get your hopes up, but the idea of seeing Caesar again, of being in the world again, was so tantalizingly close and yet so agonizingly far away. Kars seemed to read your mind.

"How does it feel to be so close and yet so far?" he asked, searching for any sort of response from you. You didn't react. "Your freedom is so overdue, but your friends are so under par. It's a miracle they're still alive-"

"Are you just trying to get me to run into the sunlight?"

"There's nowhere you can run that I won't catch you. It's nearly sunset anyway."


When you turned back to Kars, he had a broad smirk on his face, clearly satisfied with the reaction he provoked. Fine, he won, he got your blood boiling again. You were about to lay into him, to start a fight about his tone and the way he speaks to you and how dare he steal you away from your life and then mock you, but the sound of heavy footsteps- Wamuu's heavy footsteps- catch your attention. Apparently, it catches Kars' attention as well, as he turns over his shoulder to address Wamuu's approach.

"Do you need something, Wamuu?"

"I just wanted a moment with you. To talk about (y/n)," Wamuu said.

"You can talk about me while I'm here," you shot back. "I'm standing right here."

Wamuu glanced uncomfortably between you and Kars for a moment, before Kars gave him a silent gesture of approval and he began talking, "They're already coming with the stone. They're already here, Kars, do we really need to keep her all cooped up in here? Isn't she a liability?"

You were prepared to shoot back, hurt by Wamuu's words. He'd been kind to you this whole time, why the change of tone? It honestly stung quite a bit. Kars was faster in his reply, though, "Isn't she a liability out there?"

"Kars, we won."

Kars' nostrils flared with anger and you flinched, for a moment worried he would strike either you or Wamuu. He didn't make another aggressive move, however, instead just holding his stare, waiting for Wamuu to back down. Wamuu didn't. 

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