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Dawn's POV:

"Mitchell, can you bring that bucket here???" Landis requested his friend with that bottle green hair and Mitchell willingly went off and took the bucket bringing it to Landis.

Then Landis used his shovel to fill the bucket with loam sand with my instruction. Currently, I am working here in the first years' garden with these five. Brock just happened to be tasked to do something with the other first years right now and he asked me to monitor and guide these five to attend to their garden since they've been skipping their gardening for two days now due to some class projects they have dealt with. With that said, I was brought here along with these five first years. Eventually, the most surprising thing is how obedient these five are today.... They simply follow what I tell them to do without any complaints..

Have these five actually changed since I first encountered them during the basketball game they had with Drew, May, and Ash way back during the first week of classes??

"H-Hey, senior.." I heard a voice and I raised my head only to see Thatcher holding a hammer and he was trying to avoid my gaze. "Kye and I have finished the table and benches over there... W-we have also made sure it's safe since it could manage Kye's weigh after he jumped over them...."

"I heard that, Thatcher~!" The black-haired Kye scolded from the bench where he was sitting and Nathaniel walked there too and sat down beside Kye seemingly testing the durability and strength of the bench.

Brock told me to work on a table and benches too earlier and to allow these five to make them for them to learn how to.

"Wow~ I-I'm impressed~" I complemented and I sat down on the other bench and I also touched the smooth surface of the wooden table before I smiled at Kye and Thatcher.

Soon, Landis and Mitchell also came to us and they even dared to hit the benches and the table that Thatcher and Kye were smirking in pride since it didn't break but only got some scratches.

"I didn't know you can make these?? Have you learned them from your old man???" Landis asked Thatcher and he sat down beside me on the bench with Thatcher next to him.

Mitchell only leaned his back on the table while standing on my right.

"I always watch my old man do his stuff at the carpentry shop, alright~" Thatcher replied and smirked.

"Hn... Good for you~ Next time, I'll hire you to make me a tree house at home~" Mitchell spoke out and Thatcher only looked at him raising his eyebrow with that same smirk.

"Sure... No prob~ But you first need to get over your fear of heights~" I heard Thatcher provoked emphasizing those two words that Mitchell twitched an eyebrow getting offended by that.

"Hey, quit it, you two... It's not very nice to argue having a senior with us." Landis spoke up that subsided the sudden tension and I noticed how Nathaniel smiled lightly to his seat knowing that Thatcher and Mitchell surrendered to Landis.

"Hey, Kkyyyeeee~" I am the one who twitched this time when Mitchell spoke up and drew his face to Kye who was oddly quiet on his seat and was just lowering his head ever since I came to sit here at the bench with them.

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