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May's POV:

"Hello, ma'am~!" I kindly greeted a certain customer who came in the music store and I led her to where she wanted. After some time entertaining her, she finally bought the instrument and went her way.

Today's Wednesday and the four of us are back to work here in the music store since Keyboard said that we can't skip our duty in this place not until we hear about the music sheets from that JJ guy... It annoys me that we're doing this kind of work for some secretive music sheets but I can't keep myself from not coming here anymore since the whole band member is here... 

We have worked here as well yesterday and last Monday afternoons before we proceeded to K'Royal and we are back again. It is just a good thing that we are paid everyday as well after the length of time we work here and Miss Charlotte is a good person.. We haven't met up with the owner of this place yet again and there was nothing more written on the guide notebooks for new tasks... What is left for us to do is to visit that resort Mrs. Dell has told us about to get the next music sheet from her son...

"E-excuse me, Miss~" I heard a young male's voice and I turned around to see a boy with that messy hair and he was dressed like a rockstar of some sort. "Are you selling drumsticks around here???"

I was caught up with his question and my eyes lit up before I led him to the area where the drumsticks were displayed. I was able to at least chat with him and he said that he's an aspiring drummer so I only told him to keep on and do his best before I waved at him when he departed after buying.

"Hey, Dawn~ Why don't you just let me read that letter already???" I heard Ash calling out to Dawn at the area where the guitars are displayed and Dawn only didn't mind him.

After the incident yesterday with Keyboard and that letter, Ash was already bugging after Dawn regarding the letter she has told us about that she received from an unknown person last Sunday. Seeing how the two were getting noisy from where they were made me to only sigh and I lifted my right arm but I quickly grabbed it with my left after realizing that I was going to attempt to touch an invisible cap on my head again if ever. I hissed in disbelief getting annoyed to myself. If only I got some spare money to buy myself a cap, I could have done it long ago... But, still, that white cap was actually a special one to me though.. If only I could find it again!

"Dawn, don't be so selfish~!! Why can't we read it??? I thought we're best friends???" I heard Ash again trailing after Dawn getting so annoying for the blunette that she narrowed his eyes at Ash.

Only because it started with that letter...


"Oohhh~!!?" Ash reacted widening his eyes in obvious anticipation that he even shoved me because I was beside him on his right.

What are we doing???

We are currently hiding behind the bushes overlooking at the hallway going to the gym. Dawn was on my right and we are simply peeking through the bushes.

I was getting impatient because we have been hiding here for some minutes and the person we are waiting to arrive hasn't yet shown up.

"Are we even fine really doing this???" There goes Dawn's reluctant words and Ash and I only gave her a smirking expression and a mischievous grin that she only sighed without trying to convince us to leave this spot where we were.

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