Harry, spill it.

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I turned in bed and woke up startled. I remembered I fell asleep with Niall at his flat when I saw him there...snoring lightly. I smiled at him and poked his nose. He woke up giggling,"G'mornin to you too, love,aha." ....But then realization hit his face...he remembered our little ermmm argument yesterday. "I'm talking to Harry today....I trust and believe you...but I'm just praying you aren't cheating, babe.." he looked down at me with glossy eyes. I gulped and smiled saying," You already know I'm not....Harry means alot to me...I have my reasons as to why I did that...why do you have to know them?" "He means how much to you?" he asked and I realized how bad that came out. "No, no babe. He means alot to me in a brotherly way....I'm sorry that I can't tell you...you know I want to," I tried to calm him down. "NO, [Y/N]!.....You shouldn't have to keep secrets from me! He's like my brother! He can tell me anything...YOU can tell me anything...why is it so bad to tell me? Do you not trust me? What is it? Is it really that bad?" he shouted hurt...almost in pain. I looked at him shocked...he felt that bad about it? "It's beca-" "GUYS! WHAT'S WRONG?!?! I heard screaming! " Liam said running through door. Niall huffed in frustration," There's to many damn secrets around here..."he muttered grabbing a jacket to leave. "ONE SECRET! Only ONE secret! And it's because I swore NOT to tell ANYONE!" I yelled angry now. Liam looked kind of surprised but also scared. Then Niall walked out...just like that. Harry walked up to the flat door and Niall pushed him yelling," What the f**k is the secret, eh?!?!?!" Harry looked at Niall in pure horror. "Wot are you talking about?" Harry asked, face screwed up in pure confusion. "You mean you don't know what [Y'N] has done? With YOUR name, Har?" I walked out of the flat and Harry and Niall looked at me for some answers. "What the hell is Ni talking about, [Y/N]?" Harry looked me dead in the eyes...I looked back at Niall then Harry again...I looked down and said," Harry I-I c-cut your name into my arm....because of what you did....Niall thinks I'm ch-cheating on him with you..." Harry's mouth was wide open in shock. "NIALL WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?!!?"...he got silent then spoke again.."Show me your arm...now." I made a puppy face trying not to cry...I slowly pulled my sleeve up revealing the name on my arm...Harry stopped breathing and just looked...lost. "Why?" Niall sounded flustered... Harry lifted his sleeve to answer him... Niall opened his eyes wide...I bit my lip...he had my name on his arm too. Niall's face pretty much said 'What the fuck'... Harry whispered," I'm so sorry...but I..I feel worthless sometimes...and seeing you guys together makes me feel worse because I don't have someone to love...I just don't." We all stood silent... "I'm sorry," we all said in unison....We had a small group hug and went inside.

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