I Figured...

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"So....what about Niall?" Harry asked cautiously. "He broke up with me," I said grimly. "You know that's not what I meant," he said sternly. I just shook my head and whispered, " I still love him, Harry." "Obviously, since you called me Harry instead of Haz." I giggled."I kinda figured the kiss was a one-time thing....you guys are perfect for eachother..." he wiped a tear from his eye,"And I won't interfere anymore." He got up, but I pulled his arm down and kissed him. "I didn't want it to be a one-time thing..." I explained. He nodded..."Thank you, [Y/N]....need a lift to Niall's?" I smiled widely and nodded my head vigorously. He smiled cheekily back at me. He grabbed my hand and we ran to his car....off to my love's flat.

*At Niall's*

I got to his door...I walked back and Harry pushed me back to Niall's door and said," You can do it. It's now or never." I hugged him tightly..he walked away leaving me with the man who left me. I knocked 3 times (my signature knock.) He must've known it was me..."Not now, [Y/N]." I wanted to cry and crumple. I knocked one more time. He swung the door open, eyes bloodshot. "I SAID NOT N-" I latched onto him and kissed him with so much emotion it left me queezy. He stood shocked awhile before grabbing my waist and pulling me into his flat. He slammed the door shut and turned to me...."[Y/N]....." He smiled wide..."You really came back for me..the ugly Irish member with bad teeth and blonde hair that eats alot..." He gulped back the painful knot in his throat, making his adam's apple bob up-and-down. I smiled and whispered in awe..."Of course I came back for my snowflake..." He hugged me tightly and whispered sorry and I love you at least a thousand times. I have him in my arms again...and I'll never let him go....not again.

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