face to face

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After we got our drinks, we started talking about the project.

"So it says the slideshow needs to be between 5-7 slides excluding the cover and resource page." She read off the rubric.

"So we need to come up with at least five different main reasons of why we picked the passage, that we can then elaborate on during the presentation. And then we'll add images that help explain the themes to the class." I spoke.

She stared at me for a little and I found it hard to read her eyes. I looked away first anxious about staring back for too long but I still felt her gaze on me.

"Can I ask you a question?" She then quickly added, "Of course! You don't have to answer if you don't want to tell me." She broke her gaze and stared into her coffee, shyly taking a sip as I answered her, avoiding all eye contact.

"Depending on the question, I get to ask one back." I was nervous she was going to ask something rude or say something about how dumb my idea is. I tucked my hands under my thighs to keep her from seeing them shake.

"Okay..." she trailed off. "Um, I don't really know how to phrase this so please don't be offended, why are you so rude to everyone?"

I was completely taken aback. Quiet? Sure. Reserved? Sure. Hated? No doubt. But rude? I didn't think I was rude.

"I'm rude? What do you mean?" The thoughts in my mind raced and spun and I started bouncing my leg her words not coming fast enough.

"Well I've seen you around school, and you always look mad at everyone so they stay clear of you, and often times people have tried to talk to you, you just ignore them and unless they ask multiple times you don't answer. I'm sorry I didn't mean to overstep.." She trailed off biting her lip and shrinking back into her seat.

I sat back in my chair shifting to cross my arms, but my leg still bouncing. I thought about what she said. Everyone stayed clear of me because I seemed mad? No everyone stayed clear of me because they don't like me, they don't have to tell me I can just pick up on a hint.

I thought about what she said about people trying to talk to me. I rarely engage in conversations at school, just with the few people I'm somewhat friends with. I just prefer to keep more to myself and I know other people prefer that too.

"I've never ignored someone when they talk to me. I always answer once they actually say something."

"Wesley, you did it to me today. I sat down next to you and kept saying hi and introducing myself and you didn't respond until I said let's get this over with. I guess I just don't understand what I did or what anyone did to make you hate us all so much." She said the last part quietly but I still heard it.

She almost sounded hurt by that while I was sitting in my seat shocked. She had been talking to me before she said that? I try to think back as hard as I can and I come to a conclusion.

"Ya know how sometimes people get lost in thought?" She nodded at me. "Well I do that a lot. I did that after the pairs were announced, I couldn't even tell you when exactly you sat down or how long it was between Mr. Jarton saying that and me realizing you were next to me. So I'm sorry" I whispered the last part.

"Don't be sorry, I feel relieved. Right after the pairs were called I was glad I was paired with you honestly." She sent me a small smile and opened her notebook to a clean page.

I sat there with my eyebrows raised and my jaw slacked. She was glad? As in happy to work with me? As in she didn't hate me? I couldn't believe what she just said. I didn't believe what she just said.

"Hah," I laughed. "You don't have to lie, we just have to finish the project and then you won't have to see me anymore. It's okay, I know pretty much everyone at that school hates me." I finished and opened my own notebook, keeping my eyes trained on the page as I started writing. I was too scared to look up at her to see her reaction so I labeled the top and was taken aback by her loud voice.

"Are you kidding me?" She didn't sound mad but extremely shocked and confused. "You think everyone hates you? Do you know how many girls have tried to flirt with you only to find you're not listening? Or how many guys yell out invites to you to their hangouts and parties in the halls when they pass by? I swear are you deaf? Or blind? The people in the school think you're so intriguing. I've overheard girls talking about how hot and mysterious they think you are and all kinds of people have different theories and rumors about why you never respond to anyone unless forced to. I was glad to work with you because I don't believe you're an asshole." She paused seeming unsure if she should continue. "Every time I see a failed attempt to talk to you I notice that your face looks completely glazed over and apparently I'm the only one who notices the earbuds you wear. I think I'm right about you not being an asshole though, because when I asked you didn't get mad at me, and when I told you about class you looked completely surprised that it even happened. Oh! And you apologized." This time she sent a toothy grin my way as if to show she was happy about being right and I stayed silent. She took this as her cue to go on.

"Look all I'm saying, is I recognize that look. And I'm gonna tell you as many times as you need to hear it, I don't hate you. Despite what you may think, no one I know does."

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