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We got in my car as my mind continued to race. Where did she want to go? Would she think I'm weird for driving such an old car? What would she think about all the CDs? As I started the ignition I heard her voice.

"Do you wanna just drive us around? I didn't really have an idea for where we could go.." she trailed off. "I can give you some gas money too since I'm the one who suggested it." She smiled again. This girl sure does smile a lot.

"Don't worry about it. I set out on the intentions of driving around today but when I saw the park I decided to stop. I've know a place if you're up for it? It's a little far though." I thought about taking her to one of my favorite places I found on my way back to town from my father's grave once.

"Anywhere works for me." She gave me a small smile as I shifted the car into drive.

She messed around with the CD tracks and I told her there was a selection in the glove box.

"Woah.." I couldn't quite tell what she thought so I stayed silent. "How did you collect all of these? I love a ton of these bands!!" She all but screamed at me.

I gave her a sad smile, "They were my dad's. He had a big love for music and I developed one too. Those are all I ever listen to in this car."

I turned onto the highway as she changed the CD. I think she could tell from my voice that they were special to me. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous knowing she could ruin one of them but out of the corner of my eye I could see how careful she was being. After a bit of driving she spoke again.

"What do you mean they were your dad's?" She spoke softly.

"He passed away a few years ago. This car and those CDs were his." I kept my eyes trained on the road as my brain exploded with memories both good and bad of the times before my father passed.

"Wes? You spaced out again. I asked if you two were close." Her tone was gentle, like she could tell I was thinking about him.

"Yeah we were. He used to take me for drives weekly and play me his newest CD and once all the songs were finished that's when we'd head back home. He was a great dad." I said with a genuine smile on my face with the memories. Those times were some of my favorite with him and almost every CD in this car has a memory of a drive attached to it.

"How did he pass?" She said, "I-I didn't mean to pry forget I said that how dumb am I? I cant believe I'd just ask such a personal question so fast it's none of my business I'm so sorry." She looked out the window as she played with her fingers in her lap.

I put my hand on top of hers, being careful to keep my eyes on the road. "Don't worry about it. It's nice to talk to you, I feel like I can trust you. I don't know why." I paused taking a deep breath. "He had cancer."

She let out a low breath before speaking again, "That really sucks. I know how you feel." This time she took a deep breath. "My sister had cancer. She beat it the first time but then it came back and there wasn't much she could do the second time around." She switched out hands so that hers held mine tightly while keeping her eyes out the window.

I didn't know how to respond. I thought she was the happiest person with a perfect life except she just admitted that she had felt similar pain to mine. How was I supposed to help her? I can't even help myself. While I got lost in my thoughts again she spoke up.

"My parents have been on the decline ever since." She glanced at me before turning back to the window. "My mom started to drink while my dad threw himself into his work. When they both happen to be home at the same time it's just fight after fight after fight. That's why I told you I wanted to get out of the house." She spoke softer and softer as she went on. "Lately their fights have been getting worse and it's like they forget they have another daughter. I mean we were identical twins. How could they even look at me without seeing her at 12 and 13 fighting for her life for the second time." I glanced over to her and I could see tears in her eyes in the reflection. I pulled off the highway finding the first place to park.

"Is this where you wanted to take me?" She chuckled softly, wiping at her face with the hand that wasn't laced in mine.

"No but I needed to do something." I unbuckled my seatbelt and reached over to hug her. I feel uncomfortable at touching her and worried that she'd scream at me. I didn't know what to say and my brain continued to run but I just needed to show her that I understand and she's not alone. I hugged her as tight as I could and felt a piece of my sadden as I felt her sobs rack through her body.

"It's just not fair. We're both way too young to be suffering and nobody cares." She cried.

"I care. I'll be here for you whenever you need it. Okay?" I pulled back and looked her dead in the eyes. I'm not sure what compelled me to say that but I meant every word. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise?" She slowed her cries, sniffling as she wiped her nose on her sleeve.

"I promise."

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant to cry..you're the first person I've talked to about her."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I gave her a small smile.

Once she had fully calmed down, I got back onto the highway to keep on our way to where I  actually wanted to take her. I couldn't believe she had been through so much and still found a way to smile and live her life.

The whole way there our hands never left each other's.

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