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Friday flew by with the few clssses I had and now it was Saturday so thankfully, I didn't have to attend classes. I woke up early as I always do after tossing and turning with nightmares each night when I don't smoke before bed. I packed stuff for a day out of the house and told my mom not to worry as I'd be gone for most of the day.

I drove all over town, hitting my pen as I tried to clear my head. I finally stopped at a park on the other side of town and decided I wanted to sit on the swings. I lightly pushed my feet swaying back and forth as I tried not to think too much about everything in my life. As my head was starting to feel clear, I exhaled another hit when I heard a voice.

"Wesley? Is that you?" She spoke softly, like she didn't want to startle me.

My head started to fog up again, filling up with water and ruining the once clear spot there.

"Sammie? What are you doing here?"

"I was out on a walk. I live down the block. Are you smoking?" She said the last part softer, as if she was scared someone would hear.

"Yeah..sorry you had to witness that" I laughed. Feeling a little bit less nervous as she asked for a hit. I tried to hide my shock. I was worried she would judge me but here she was asking for her own high.

"You smoke?" I said not hiding my surprise well as she sat on the swing next to me.

"Yeah sometimes. I wouldn't say I'm a stoner but with everything life can throw at you, I like the feeling every now and then." She paused. "Or maybe a little more than that."

I handed her the pen and watched her take two hits lightly coughing after the second one. I took one more of my own and let it out smoothly.

"I know what you mean."

She gave me a weird look that almost looking like it had...admiration? No. I'm just reading into things. There's no way that's possible. Nope. I hardly know this girl. What is she doing to me? My mind started running and running and I didn't realize she was talking until she lightly tapped my shoulder.

"Weeessleeeyyyy" she called out. "You zoned out again."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I looked at my beat up sneakers feeling embarrassed. "What were you saying?"

"I said if you ever want to talk about it I'm here." She gave me a smile before looking off at the kids playing soccer a ways away in the grass field.

"Same to you. You'll just have to snap me out of it if I zone out when you talk. It's nothing personal I promise." I said trying to make a small joke of the situation. She let out a small giggle.

"I can do that. Did you drive here?"

"Yeah I did." I pointed over to my dad's old car. "Why what's up?" I felt confused and worried again and I wished the feeling would just leave.

"You wanna go for a drive?"

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