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pairings : park jimin x reader, kim namjoon x huna (oc)

au : arranged marriage!au, domestic!au, age-gap!au (7 years)

genre : fluff

you jolted awake the third time your alarm started ringing after being snoozed the said two times earlier. it was five forty-five and you had to leave by six-thirty to reach your university by seven o'clock sharp. your husband, park jimin was still deep in sleep, given he was working late (he slept near four in the morning) on an important report for a business meeting on the next day. he was sprawled beside you. though it had been around a month since you got married but you still felt so different on seeing him lying beside you. you had concluded that this strange feeling wasn't going away anytime soon.

after finishing your morning routine, you headed straight for the fridge to look for anything eatable, it was almost an impossible task for you to cook breakfast at six, your eyes would be half open, your mood – too sour, and your attention span; of a goldfish – three seconds.

you found milk and decided to just go for cereal because one can never go wrong with cereal. after you had finished eating, you put on your shoes and wrote a note for your husband like you did everyday.

"i hope i remind you enough times that you're an asshole because you get to sleep more than me, you don't even get up to see me off. i hope your boss makes your life hell, park diminie!~"

you stuck the post-it on his forehead before kissing it gently, he looked absolutely peaceful as his chest rose up and went down like slow ripples of water near the shore of the beaches in busan, jimin's hometown.

you left the apartment but before you could reach the stairs, you retraced your steps back to your shared bedroom and removed the post-it. you crumpled it throwing it in the trash and wrote a new one, a more formal one. you needed to move with the pace of your relationship and not jump ahead of herself.

"i'll cook tonight so i hope you'll be home faster. have a good day xx".

you crumpled it too and threw it at the trash. you continued writing the exact same message but without the x's.

you guys had recently moved to the new apartment complex. it was more of a family apartment complex compared to your previous university students dorm-like apartments, a small gift from jimin's parents. it was peaceful, and way too peaceful for you, so much so sometimes that the quietness would bother you and you would end up with either going out or calling your friends over. jimin did the same.

you took your necessary belongings - phone, keys, wallet, face mask, and left the apartment. making sure the door is locked, you set out on your way down the stairs. since you guys lived on the first floor, you used the stairs rather than unnecessarily using the elevator.

you were on your way down to the other half of the stairs when you heard footsteps behind you. your heart started beating a bit faster to your liking because you were pretty sure you knew these familiar footsteps. soon enough you heard the jingling of the keys as the aforementioned person put them in their bag and unlocked their phone, the sound the phone made was also something you had become quite familiar with lately and you dreaded it.

you clutched on the metallic strap of your sling bag on your right side as you walked, wishing that the person didn't recognize you but to your dismay, they already had.

"good morning y/n-ssi!"

you froze in your tracks as you looked back, forcing a smile to appear polite, "annyeonghaseyo mrs kim," you bowed without a moment's hesitation.

dreaded neighbors - domestic!pjmWhere stories live. Discover now