Chapter III: First Sight

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Chapter III: First Sight

Alice's POV

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I was waiting for them to jump from the train. And finally, they jumped. Peter jumped first and Al followed him. I laugh as they rolled at the black pebbles like I am a while ago. Then, I saw Beatrice jumped with some short Candor girl.

Her hair was short and she was short. The Candor girl laughed hard at their mess and that made Beatrice to laugh, too. I put a smile on my face and approached them.

"Beatrice, I'm glad you've made it." I complimented and look down at her. I gave her a hand and she was standing tremblingly. She must've cut her knees or something.

"Thanks." was her short reply to me and smiled at the gesture.

Until a voice boomed around the roof. It sounded intimidating and deep. I spun around and saw a Dauntless guy standing on a ledge or something. He wore a sleeveless jacket and a black shirt underneath it. A black cargo pants paired with heavy combat boots. His appearance looks intimidating as his voice sounded. He got piercings on his right brow that definitely have him more intimate looks. He got some tattoos across his body, like arms and neck.

"Alright, listened up!" he called and gathered us. Then, everyones attention was on him and gathered in front of him. "I'm Eric. I'm one of your leaders here at Dauntless," he introduced himself and he continued. "This is the way in. And if you don't have the guts to jump, then you don't belong in Dauntless." he instructed while looking behind his back.

Everybody paused for a minute and look at each other. Then, an Erudite boy besides me asked a question which caught everyone's attention.

"Is there a water at the bottom or something?" the Erudite boy who seemed curious and confused as we are asked.

Then it earned him to make Eric look on his way. There's a sly smirk playing on his face before answering the Erudite boy who asked.

"I guess you'll find out," he cuts off and he paused for a while to look everybody then continued to talk. "Or not," he continues and for the first time, our eyes met. I felt something when our eyes met, but I can't decipher what it is. Damnit. "Someone has to go first, who's it gonna be?" he added and smiled at us. I can tell it's fake.

"We just jumped and they wanted us to jump, again?" the Candor girl who Beatrice was with asked us innocently. I chuckled a little at her sarcastic remarks.

Everyone was turning there heads around, waiting for someone to volunteer and jump first. How deep was this pit, anyways? They're not gonna hurt us or anything, aren't they? Aren't they?

A couple moments later, Beatrice volunteered bravely. Everyone looked her way and some judged because an Abnegation like her would volunteer first to jump. I admired Beatrice for her bravery. Nice.

I watched at her and she turned then smiled at me. I smiled back at her, too. She was as if reassuring me that it'll be fine. I trust her decisions, and she trusted mines, too.

Eric jumped from the ledge and let Beatrice walked from the ledge. He was also looking at Beatrice as if she shouldn't be the one volunteering first to jump on the pit. When Beatrice looked below the pit, she looks behind and looked at Eric like asking if they are serious to jump there. There was no answer from Eric so afterwards, she toke her blazers off.

"Yeah, Stiff, take it off. Put it back on." a familiar voiced joked out on the crowd which earn some of us to giggle and chuckle.

It was a familiar voice, and I know it was from Peter. I'm an Abnegation but he didn't called me Stiff at all. Hmm.

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