Chapter IIXI: Visitation Day part I

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Author's note: Okay. I'll write as fast as I can. This is it. The visitation day. Who will visit Alice? Will Marcus come to dauntless for him to visit Alice? Anyways, let's read the following.....

Alice's POV

Take a deep breath and you walk through the doors, it's the morning of your very first day? Eh? What was that supposed to mean?

We five walked through the corridors including the rest of the initiate. Some are anxious and excited. I'm anxious. Maybe none of them will come? I mean, mom is factionless. Dad is the president of the council. Dad hates me and Four. Why would he visit me?

When we arrived at the hall where all initiates and parents will meet, we paused and talked for a moment. They're not here yet. Probably waiting outside.

"So. We haven't talked much about our parents. Me first," Christina started a topic. We nodded and kinda seems interested about family stuff. "My mom's name is Amanda and my dad's name is Christian. They probably got my name on my dad. I mean, hey, they just jumbled his name and turned it into Christina." Chris stated. We chuckled from what we heard from her. Christina chuckled along too.

"Jumbled?" Al raise a brow while chuckling.

"Hey. Atleast I know where my name originally originated," Christina reasoned out while shrugging. "What about..... you. Alice. Tell us about your family." She picked me. Oh God.

"There's nothing interesting about my family. I mean, my dad is in the council. His name is Marcus. My mom's name is Evelyn. I had an older brother. He's here and dauntless." I trailed off thinking if I tell them about Four.

"What? Well who is it? Tell us! Is it Eric? Oh God. I shipped you with your brother? That is so embarrasing." Christina frantically said. Wait. No.

"No. Just let me finish." I cutted her.

"Okay. I still ship you both. Woah. Alric! Team Alric." She cheered. Alric? What a weird name. But I kinda liked it.

"Whatever. So my brother here in Dauntless is..... Four. Yeah. It's Four. He is my brother. We secretly talked in his room." I stated. They were all shocked at what they have heard.

"What? Four our instructor? It's not his real name right? What is his real name?" Will managed to asked. Argh.

"I knew it! Since the first day. His name is kinda fake so I joked about it. What's his real name, Alice?" Christina cheerfully said. I rolled my eyes from her.

"It's Tobias." I simply said.

(Like the original author of the Divergent Series, I named my main character after my favorite character. Like her's to Tobias from the..... I can't remember what movie is that. But mine is Alice from Resident Evil Chapters. Like Project Alice of the Umbrella Corporation. Yeah. I like zombie movies who's the main character are females. Women power! So, okay. Continue reading. It's just a simple fact about this book.)

"Oh. He's the child that your father beat years ago. No wonder he left." Al spoked up. I looked towards Tris and she slowly shook her head towards me.

"No. My dad won't beat anyone. Either myself. It's just rumors that Erudites created to bring down my father from the council." I reasoned out, even though it's a lie. I still care about my dad's position and my old faction.

"Okay. I believe you," Christina said reassuring. I smiled at her. "Woah. I still can't believe you are both siblings. You two are one of the fiercest initiate. I mean..... what is that again, Will?" She said while looking towards Will.

"Oh. Four being the first in his class during his initiation and you being second. It's totally fine cause your a woman and a man is stronger than you. I doubt if your a male, you could first in this initiation too." Will spoke up and explained. Yeah. I would be first in my initiation if I am a boy. Even just for a day. I would laid out in bed in the morning and throw out what I wanted and go. Eh?

"Yeah. Enough about me, let's talk about you Will." I suggested for them to stop talking about my family. I have a broken family.

"Okay then, I am the eldest of our siblings. My dad's nam—" he was cutted when one of the adults announced.

"Okay, initiates. Listen up. Your parents are waiting outside these doors. Remember what we talked about earlier at the dining hall. No information about initiation." He announced. We nodded towards him.

Then I saw Eric and Four walked towards the closed entrance. Both of them kinda looks like finding someone on the crowd. Four probably looking for me. I don't know who Eric's looking for.

"And with that. Here we go." He finally said then opened the heavy two doors of the hall.

There we saw adults wearing their perspective clothings came rushing in. I sighed and hoped mom will be here.

All the gangs parent had approached them. Except for me and Tris. Then afterwards, I saw Natalie approaching towards Tris.

"My darling. Look at you." Natalie's approach to Tris and she hugged her. Should I call her original name in Abnegation? I mean, she was Beatrice at the memory of her family. But here it's just Tris.

"Mom." Tris mumbled from their hugs.

They pulled away from each other and Natalie noticed me.

"Oh. Hi, Alice. It's been a long time. How are you?" She said as she smiled warmly at me. Like a mother does.

"I'm fine." I answered shortly.

"I'm sure your mom or dad will visits you. Just have courage." Natalie said again in reassurance.  I smiled at her being thankful for what she said.

"I gotta go wander around to find them. You both enjoy your talk." I excused myself to them.

"Okay." Natalie's response.

"See you later then." Tris mumbled at nods toward me. So I nodded towards her.

So I walk towards the sea of initiates and parents. Wondering around in hoping to found mom. I'm not wishing to find dad here. Who would want? I so done with him. I left him when I chosen Dauntless at the choosing ceremony. Now I have a new life with my brother. He said he'll be a brother and father to me here at Dauntless. Which he already did.

A sudden grasp on my shoulders makes me jolts a little and turns around. It's Eric. Oh. Why is he here?

"You already find one of your family?" He asked in his usual deep and husky voice. I shook telling no towards him.

"They're probably busy or they just forgot. You know my dad is a council president. And my mom is the leader of the factionless. Quite tough for a family whose parents are both leaders." I explained to him. I don't know why I explained it to him. Yeah. We already know much about each other.

"We do not know. Maybe they're lost in these sea of people or just late. Just wait." Eric said reassuringly to me. Oh. Okay.

"Alice! There you are. I've been looking all ove—" I heard Four's voice from the distance. He trailed off when he approached and saw who's I'm with.

"Four." I mumbled and hugged him when he gets close. Atleast Four is here for me. But I really wanted to see mom. I missed her so much.

"What did you do to Alice? Did you did something to her?" Four asked towards Eric in hysterical. I can't see their reactions or face though.

"What?! Why would I hurt her? I was just confronting her." Eric explained.

I moved away after I hugged him. I looked like a child who seen an kidnapper and got shook out. I smiled sadly towards him. To Four.

"I wish mom is here." I mumbled.

"It's fine. We'll wait for her." He said.

"What if dad came her for me? What if he comes here and threaten me? What if he—" I was cutted by Four.

"No! Don't think about dad. He can't come closer to you and us. He can't touch or see you anymore again. You understand me?" He half shouted at me. His breaths are labour.

"Yes." I just mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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