Chapter IX: The Chasm

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We're walking through darks halls and I don't know maybe were heading to the chasm. Oh God. I know what's on Eric's mind right now. Is he gonna push Christina from the chasm? I can't hardly doubt that. I saw Eric's hands are on the shoulders of Christina. I hear him asked 'are you feeling fine' and Christina answered him. It's not the ruthless Eric I known for days. There's something really up right now. Something that will give a big shocking event that's going to happen today.

We've arrived at the chasm, Eric and Christina is in front leading us the way. Eric is still comforting Christina and his hands on her shoulder. They were crossing the bridge when suddenly, Eric pushed Christina from the ledge still holding her wrist and the other holding the rail. Everybody was shocked at the scene happened. I was more angry at Eric this time, how could he do this to her? I got more rage and intimacy is rising from me.

"Grab the rail, or don't?" Eric commanded, and after saying those words, Christina grabbed the rail and hanged.

"You got three options." Eric says while walking around and continued "Hang there and I'll forget your cowardness, fall and die or give up? If you give up your out." Eric said coldly to her.

"Come on Chris!" Tris piped in besides me. Then an intimidating look plastered at Eric face when he looked at Tris. Then his eyes meet with mine and I gritted my teeth for his stares.

Christina's hands looked slipping. She groaned and I saw some water droplets falling through her palms. It looks more hard to grabbed the rail longer with this situation. Any minute now and Eric's gonna call for time. Every seconds I felt anger on Eric. Then I hear him commanded.

"Time!" After he said those we rushed through Christina to help her up.

Tris and Edward came with me to help Christina get up from the hanging from the rails. As soon as we got Christina up, she hugged Tris and I rubbed her back to comfort her. I was surprised that her boyfriend, Will, isn't here to come to her because if his here, he would be pissed too. Cause yeah, he's beaten before Molly's and Christina's fight. He's maybe at the infirmary by now. I keep staring Eric with death stares and throwing daggers stare. We get her to infirmary to get check with the nurse. She's fine aside from her wound from her lips when she fought Molly before the accident. After that we came for lunch and talked. I only ate few and bid my goodbyes at them. When I'm walking through crowds who's still eating, Eric came and we shared a stare with me and it's funny that when he passed through them, everyone keeps silence and after they see him in distance they got to start talking again. I saw a familiar silhouette while walking until it finally turned around and saw me.

"Alice! How nice to see you again." Oh, it's Uriah. I should have guess. I smiled and paused for a second.

"Hi Uriah. So greet to see you too." He looked like accompanied with his friend because before I came I hear laughters.

"Are you done with your lunch? If not, come and join us." Uriah invited me, I just shrugged and answered him.

"I'm totally done and I would really love to join you, but I'm about to head out." I smile genuinely, his friends keep staring from me like I have something on my face.

"If that's the case then, we'll catch-up later. Okay?" I nodded and I waved at them before heading out.

I was still early at the training hall. Four hasn't arrived yet so, I practiced jabbing the bags. Until I noticed Four came and so I came to him and greeted him.

"Hey Four! How was lunch?" I said while crossing my arms. He laughs and answer me.

"Super." Was his short reply. I laugh a little and punch him playfully in his shoulder. I wonder if he knows about the accident happened a while ago.

"Have you heard what happened with Eric and Christina?" I asked. He seems confused on what I am saying. He looks like innocent at his state.

"Well, what happened?" Four asked curiously. I shrugged and answered him and he seems shocked and pissed.

"I'll go talk to him about that." He says and I just nodded. And then he added "Get ready. Cause we're gonna have a little field trip at the fence." Woah. I've never been at the fence before.

"Really? I also wonder if what's beyond the fence. Red soils, red waters and red skies? Or even green things." I joked at him. He just laugh and explain.

"It's a hectares of farms. And basically Amities." He replied. Ohh. That makes sense. Okay.

"So no red or green soils or anything?" I asked making fun of him. We just laugh and stand there at ease.

"You really have a wild imagination." Four says, I just shrugged and laugh.

After a short sibling bonding, we were cutted off when the other fellow initiates came in and start waiting for Four instructions. Four has toured us at the fence and hell yeah, what a nice view. The fence is electrified so it's impossible to cross over. Unless with an open gate or something. Someone has got my attention and it was Johanna, the leader of Amity. Dad intruduced me to Johanna once and we saw each other so many times. She called and greeted me. So I just smiled and thankfully, he doesn't mention dad.

When we're back at the Dauntless compound, I quickly get to Dauntlesss stores or clothing store to get an outfit to wear at the party later. It's really amusing that being an initiate has a privilege to get clothes what you wanted without paying any points card. Even their groceries has an initiate special offers. I was walking pass by an piercing shop and I remember the piercings that Eric has above his right eyebrow. I think I want some piercings too. And two or three should be good at my right ear. I'll should get it the next day, after asking permission to Four.

What I bought or I rather say got for free is a black hoodie jackets, black crop tops, some pair of t-shirts, a leggings, a pair of sports bra, cargo pants, a nice combat boots and ofcourse I saw some mascara and some liquid eyeliner so I take one. I feel ashamed of getting all of this clothes, because there's too many of them. I'm really taking advantage of them right now. This mascara looks badass on me. I can't wait to go at the party............




There you have it. Thanks for reading. Sorry for the long wait, I was ill because of uneven sleeps and maybe lack of the glimpse of sun. I was a vampire to myself because I only walk around at nights, it's just being silly me. It really shows that I'm not really good at writing English story but I'm still trying to get it perfectly. I hope you like it and read more when I'll update some more.

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