Season 1 Episode 5 - Breaking Up

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Alex is standing in her bedroom putting on her makeup

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Alex is standing in her bedroom putting on her makeup. As she is applying her nude lipstick Lilly appear at her doorway and leans on the door frame and Alex smiles at Lilly "Hey Babygirl, I thought you'd be at Laura's?" Lilly nods and smiles "Yeah, I'm actually heading over now" and Alex puts her makeup away and looks at her only Daughter suspiciously. Alex says "Alright, what's going on with you?" Lilly asks "What do you mean?" Alex says "You've always been a shitty liar, and besides the fact you cant look me in the eye. So spill" and Lilly nods and says "Okay, I've started to see a guy" and Alex asks "Really? This guy you have started to see is he a boy at school?" Lilly nods and she says "He's in my class, he's a really lovely guy you and Dad would love him" and Alex puts her hands on her hips and asks "Hm really? What's this boys name?" Lilly says "Tyler" and Alex says "So does Loverboy have a last name?" Lilly smiles "Yes Mom, its Tyler Lockwood" and Alex's face falls "Lockwood?" Lilly nods and Lilly's cell phone rings and Lilly sayz "Oh that will be Laura, I'll see you a bit Mom" and Lilly walks off and Alex shouts to Lilly "When you come back tonight we need to talk about this!" Alex rubs her head frustratingly.

 So spill" and Lilly nods and says "Okay, I've started to see a guy" and Alex asks "Really? This guy you have started to see is he a boy at school?" Lilly nods and she says "He's in my class, he's a really lovely guy you and Dad would love him" an...

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Alex is standing outside when Damon approaches her and says "Hey Twinkle" Alex says "Y'know I really wish you would stop calling me that. I'm not a kid anymore" Damon smirks and says "Yeah thsts true but you will always be my Kid Sister hence you are always my Twinkle" and Alex smiles. A moment later Damon says "You spoken to Stefsn yet?" Alex looks at Damon dumbfounded and Damon says "I couldn't help but overhear your little fight with our dear Brother" and Alex shakes her head and says "No, I haven't seen him since the fight last night" and Damon says "You know I gotta say, I think Stefan is out of order for talking that way to you...I mean anyone could clearly see you were just trying to look out for him" and Alex shakes her head and opens her mouth to reply but stops as she sees Stefan walking towards the house and she says "Never mind" and she walks back inside the house. Stefan walks towards the house and looks at Damon "What did you say to her?" Damon looks at Stefan and says "Uh uh I think it's more of a what did you say to her. She's really pissed at you and you know our beloved little Sister, when shes angry at you...she's angry at you and theres no calming her down I guess she gets that from our Father huh?" and Damon chuckles as he walks back inside the house.

Cyrus is in his office at his Garage that is named 'Fells Automotives' filling out paperwork when Alex walks in

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Cyrus is in his office at his Garage that is named 'Fells Automotives' filling out paperwork when Alex walks in. Cyrus smirks and says "There's my Stunninh Wife" and Alex says "We got a problem Cy" Cyrus stands up as Alex sits down on the sofa and Cyrus asks "What's going on?" as he approaches her and sits beside her on the sofa. Alex says as she looks at Cyrus "It's Lilly, I found out this morning she has a Boyfriend" and Cyrus raises his eyebrow and asks ''She's dating?" Alex says as they look at each other "Yeah and that's not all, she's dating Tyler Lockwood!" Cyrus sighs "Ah shit" and Alex says "We gotta do something" Cyrus asks "Like what?" Alex says "She's our Daughter and I'll be damned if My Only Daughter will be with a Goddamn Werewolf!" Cyrus takes ahold of Alex's hand and he says "I'll handle this okay Babe, dont worry" and Cyrus leans forward and gently kisses Alex's forehead.

The next day Stefan walks towards Elena and Elena grins at Stefan

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The next day Stefan walks towards Elena and Elena grins at Stefan. Stefan says "Hey, you wanna do something tonight?" and Elena nods and says "Sure I'd like that" and Stefan looks at Elena and asks "You okay? You look like somethings troubling ya" Elena says "Its just I stopped by your house yesterday and I met your sister" Stefan nods and says "Ah you met Alexandra?" and Elena nods and she says "I'm sorry for saying this I might come across rude but she wasnt very nice, she was rude and a bit of a Bitch" and Stefan nods and says "Yeah that pretty much sums up Alex but dont call her a Bitch, she's just difficult. To be fair Elena, my Sister has been through a lot you cant judge her" and Elena nods and says "Yeah I'm sorry if I offended you" Stefan nods and says "Its okay, c'mon we gotta get to class".

Tyler is walking home when Cyrus appears before him and Tyler says "Whoa, where did you come from?" Cyrus approaches Tyler and says "That doesn't matter but what does matter is my Daughter

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Tyler is walking home when Cyrus appears before him and Tyler says "Whoa, where did you come from?" Cyrus approaches Tyler and says "That doesn't matter but what does matter is my Daughter. Lilly is My Daughter and I want you to end it with her" and Tyler scoffs in disbelief "Sorry man but I really like her, I'm not breaking up with her" and Cyrus says "You have just made this ten times more difficult for yourself Tyler" and Tyler looks at Cyrus.


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