Season 1 Episode 1 - Killing Spree

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Lilly Fells is sitting at the kitchen table eating her breakfast as Cyrus and Alex Fells are standing at the kitchen counter when Zach Salvatore walks into the kitchen holding a newspaper

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Lilly Fells is sitting at the kitchen table eating her breakfast as Cyrus and Alex Fells are standing at the kitchen counter when Zach Salvatore walks into the kitchen holding a newspaper. 
Alex smiles at Zach and says "Hey Honey" and Zach holds the newspaper out for Alex to take and says "That's the second attack" and Alex takes the newspaper from Her Oldest Son. Cyrus and Alex looks down at the news article and Alex says "Calm down, it was a animal attack" Zach says "Do you really believe that?" Cyrus says "Your Mothers right, it was a animal" Zach shakes his head and says "This was no animal, this was a Vampire and you know it" and Zach walks off and Lilly looks at Alex and Alex says "Alright Baby, hurry up. You're gonna be late for school" Lilly says "Okay Mom". Stefan Salvatore enters the kitchen and Stefan smiles "Hey Sis" and Alex nods "Hi Stef, shouldn't you be leaving for school?" Stefan rolls his eyes and says "Very funny" and Alex says "C'mon Lills, it's time you weren't" and Lilly rolls and stands up and Alex walks towards Lilly and and she smiles and says "Have fun, and remember according to the school Stefan is your Cousin not Uncle okay?" Lilly nods "Gotcha" and Lilly wraps her arms around Alex and says "Bye Mom" and Alex holds Lilly tightly and says "See you after school" and Lilly walks up to Cyrus and kisses Cyrus' cheek and says "Bye Daddy" and Cyrus says "Bye Darlin" and Lilly picks up her school bag and says "Let's go Uncle Stefan" and Lilly walks out and Alex says "Hey" and Stefan looks to Alex and she says "Take care of my girl" and Stefan nods and says "You got it" and Stefan walks out. Cyrus approaches Alex and wraps his arms around Alex and kisses the crook of her neck and says "We got the house to ourselves, Stefan and Lilly are at school and Zach's at a council meeting" Alex smirks and she turns around to face Cyrus and kisses Cyrus and says "You read my mind" and Cyrus grins.

Alex is in her office at the brothel when theres a knock at the door and Alex shouts "Come in!"

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Alex is in her office at the brothel when theres a knock at the door and Alex shouts "Come in!". A woman walks in and says "Sorry to disturb you Alex, but a client wants to make a conplaint" and Alex deeply sighs as she sits down on her office chair and says "Very well, send him in Blaze" and Blaze nods. A moment later a man walks in and Blaze shuts the door. The man says "You're the owner?" Alex says "Yes, I'm the owner of The Brothel. What's the issue?" The man says "My name is Chris, I want a refund" and Alex chuckles and asks "Excuse me? Why?" Chris says "The Bitch I seen didnt pleasure me" and Alex nods and says "Now Brian, Ive seen you around town. You've got a wife, kids and a good job but yet you come here, you've came here a couple times and you've had no issue before" and Brian says "I want my money back cause if you dont I'll tell the men of this town not to come near this Whorehouse!" Alex's eyes flash in anger and she super speeds towards Brian and rams him to the wall and she extracts her Vampire fangs and Brian looks scared and taken back and Alex says "You come in here and you call my one of my girls a Bitch! Then you threaten me?! Nobody threatens me, not even a pathetic worthless piece of shit like yourself" and Alex bites into the side of Brian's neck and begins to suck his blood and Alex moans in pleasure and Brian screams.

Stefan is inside his bedroom when theres a figure standing on the window ledge and Stefan turns around and his face falls. Damon says "Hello Brother" and Stefan says "Damon?" Damon walks inside. Stefan asks "What are you doing here?" Damon says "I've come back home" and Stefan says "Its been 15 years Damon, why are you back here? You've always hated it here" and Damon tilts his head to the side "I met Elena, shes a dead ringer for Katherine" Stefan says "Stay away from Elena Damon" and Damon chuckles. Damon looks around and asks "Where's Alexandra?" Stefan says "Leave her alone, Damon" Damon says "She's my Sister Stefan, and I wanna see her" and Stefan says "You're poison Damon, and I wont let you hurt her" and Damon says "She's my little Sister, I would never dream of hurting her but you on the other hand I would hurt" and realisation fills Damon's face and says "You're scared? You're scared in case I tell Alex the truth aren't you?" Stefan glares at Damon and sternly says "Dont!" Damon says "You call me poison and toxic but at least I didnt kill her Father and Ex Husband, no no that was all you. Tell me little Brother what would our dear Sister do if she somehow found out the devastating news" and Stefan eyes darken and he shouts "I said stop NOW!" and Stefan charges at Damon and they both fall out of a window. Damon chuckles as Stefan stands up and Damon says "I'll tell you what would happen, knowing our Baby Sis she would disown you and probably go on a killing spree" and Stefan says pleadingly says "Please Damon, I'm begging you dont tell her, she doesn't have to know" and Damon says "I wont tell her for now cause the truth would only hurt her and cause her heartache but I'm gonna take Alex from you, I'm gonna leave you with nobody" and Damon super speeds away.


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