2 | beauteefol - 2:00am

664 103 74

My baby is / made of / sugar spice / and everything nice / he sits with / his honey hair / playing the ukulele / to the beat of my heart / I wait by his feet / with a toothpick / picking away the sadness / between my teeth / my chapped lips / between his legs /
a sigh of pleasure / from his mouth / he tells me / he loves me / and that / he can't live without me /

my baby / is made up / of the sun / moon and mangoes / he loves it when / sunbeams spread across my face / he shoves my head / in water /
and suddenly / I'm drowning / in the love / I don't recieve /Aphrodite! / he screams / my Aphrodite! /
He slits my wrist / and calls me beautiful /

That's the first time he called me that

new style, first try

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