15| aw-gust

156 34 15

Sometimes I miss being sick, the dirtiest part of me wishes I stayed in the familiar city of grime and mental illness and what ever the opposite of healing is. last night I painted my nails when I was hungry, I can't eat until the paint dries. I don't want to go into much detail because what if you mistake this poem as an instruction manual?

Yes you are starving , yes you cut ribbons the size you want your waist to be, yes you check the calories that are in water, yes you suck icecubes when your hungry. But it's all worth it in the end right. Pretty girls saying to pretty girls ' maybe you'd look better if you'd weren't so fat' So you starve until you look sickly. but that's the goal right. those are the same girls that preach about 'self love' you'd gotta learn to love you own voice because no one is going to give you their time.

Like all good poems I'm learning to be heard not just read over.

Inspired by @swaggerism & @BlytheBaird

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