II. Money

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Ever since you moved out of your grandparents' house, you felt like a majority of your money was going to rent. You borrowed money here and there, but you hated relying on people for money. Paying rent without your ex was difficult, he ended up "ghosting" you.

Selling art was a side-hussle, it wasn't much but it was something that kept you busy when you weren't patrolling, it kept your mind busy from thoughts of regret. Maybe you should've invested your time in something that guaranteed more, yeah you were strong but nobody sees it that way without a quirk.

But you also had that offer with Hawks, it probably still stands.. Even though it's been a few weeks since you've encountered him. A mixture of you staying inside painting art to vent, and you patrolling for only 10 minutes because you got too bored.

"Being a hero is boring, but I need to make money."

I guess it was time to stop by his agency before you got evicted from this apartment. Moping around and sobbing all day wasn't going to do much, made pretty sick art but you have to be more productive.

You wore some baggy clothes with some nice sneakers and rings, with a nice pair of heart shades. It seemed pretty incognito with a tint of bougie. The only thing you were missing are some tattoos, and you'd look like a SoundCloud rapper. It wasn't completely intentional, you fought with ninja like weapons so you hid them under the baggy clothes. Especially since you looked like a regular civilian, it'd throw off criminals.

There you are, walking into Hawks agency completely lost of what you're doing here, or what you should even say. The front desk guy was eyeing you, looking at you up and down like you were lost.

"You need help miss?" His fingers were tapping at the keyboard trying to keep himself busy, even though he clearly wasn't since he had time to give you a dirty look.

You took a second before taking out your katana out of your shirt, it was still covered within its black case. Tapping it on your shoulder loosening your grip.

"Ahh, I'm here to see Hawks."

"You have an appointment?"

You slammed your hand on his desk, making the poor guy jump. You leaned in close enough, where you can take a whiff of the alcohol on his breath. Your (H/C) hair was tickling his nose, making him huff.

"If you let me see him without an appointment, I won't get you in trouble for drinking on the clock buddy,"

You smiled, your intimidating aura made the front door employee sink into his chair. You're not usually like this, but you're pretty desperate for a job right now regardless the bad impression you're making right now.

The front desk employee was completely flustered, his face flushed stumbling over his words.

"L-listen! He's not here right now, he usually has meetings and... I can call him if you like..."

He gulped, his hand reaching for his phone dialing Hawk's number. You felt like you had this guy at gunpoint from the way he was acting, I guess he didn't want to get snitched on.

Unfortunately Hawks didn't pick up his phone, but you decided to leave a voicemail regarding your phone information, and your address.. Maybe too much? You needed a job whatever. You adjusted your shades, leaning off of the desk you once were ontop of.

"Thanks! You're good at cooperating under pressure!"


You were constantly checking your phone from a text from Hawks, no response what's so ever. What if the front desk employee said something? Or the offer doesn't matter anymore cause you hit him up too late.

There was a knock on your door, you didn't think much of it until the person started banging on the door. The audacity to bang on my door, it's probably someone who needed something..But they can ask with words. You grabbed the bat on the side of the door and pulled the hatch to unlock the door.


You knocked the poor guy unconscious with one hit, fell head first onto the ground. He wasn't a neighbor though, dressed in a all black suit... And then you realized this may have been someone from Hawks agency, fuck.

You dragged the body into your apartment, and shut the door. Well he's not dead but he's definitely in a concussion, I should ice that. You carried him to your couch and placed a blanket over him. Slightly panicked, your chest felt heavy and your head was spinning with anxiety.

"I think I may have ruined my only chance to get more money."

You went into the freezer and got an ice bag for his head. It wasn't really an ice bag, it was frozen expired food from the bottom of your freezer. Better than nothing at this point, you had to get his swelling down somehow.

Sometime has passed, and the guy hasn't woken up yet. In all honesty you were starting to get scared, why the hell was he not waking up? You had kept an eye on him overnight, changing the cold compress often.. it's not like you could've gotten that much sleep anyway, what if he woke up in the middle of the night and got revenge?

sorry hawks will be in next chapter lol

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