III. Forgotten Memory

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What a long night, you could've sworn you heard something ringing but from how exhausted you were it felt like it was ringing in your head.

Owch the sun shining in your eyes was not pleasant. You were found on the floor tangled up on your robe, sock missing from your left foot, hair disheveled.

The ringing started again, but this time it was clear that it was your phone this time. You were pretty hesitant to pick up so you decided to send him to voicemail and text him.

(Y/N): Hello, sorry I can't really talk right now. But I'm free to text, how are you?

..... bubbles popped up on the bottom of the screen

(???) : hey is this (y/n)? i sent an escort last night..

Instead of changing the topic you rather just be straight up with him. What's the worse that can happen?

(Y/N): so... about that...

(Y/N): he startled me and I knocked him out

(Y/N): sorry... I've been taking care of him all night though... so he's not dead! haha

Instead of Hawks being upset, he wasn't really surprised overall. You have keen senses, and quick relaxes who wouldn't?

Hawks : ah! that explains a lot!

Hawks: my apologizes i should've told you I was sending someone over to escort you to my headquarters.

Hawks: i wanted to talk in person ;)

This guy is pretty informal, a wink in a business text? Should you even trust someone like that in the first place?

Too many questions in your head, but right now you have to focus on making money and keeping yourself from being evicted. So you decided to rearrange an "interview" with him. Hawks wanted to meet up as soon as possible, very eager to get started. Which is fine and all, but you didn't really have any interview clothes, so you borrowed your neighbors for the time being.

He called you prior giving you instructions on how to enter the facility, and where to go.

His voice.. it was familiar how didn't you realize it before? He was one of those upperclassmen from your private high school.

When you first ran into him, you were a sophomore and he was a senior at the time. You're not surprised that he didn't really remember you when he ran into you a few weeks ago, it was an awkward encounter in high school.

You were one of the delinquent types, it was a private school so they were strict on dress code. Either way you still wore big hoop earrings, and rolled your skirt up high. Skipped class a lot, and caused issues with other classmen. You weren't super popular, but everyone heard about "Mamba Gang," usually refereed to rebellious students that followed your lead, except nobody really knew who the leader was at the time. You would pin the blame on other people so well, that nobody knew who did it.

Hawks.. well people still called him that in highschool since he had his own agency at 16, but you didn't really care for popular people at the time. So you didn't really know who it was when you ran into him.

Around your lunch period you would always eat on the rooftop, there was a hidden area that gave you the perfect view of the city. You had to climb on a few things to get up there, it would be easier if someone blessed you with wings.

But someone with wings eventually visited you one afternoon. Well not really visit, disturbed.

He wasn't really expecting anyone up there, he was startled and he flapped his wings a little harder than he should have. The gust of wind blew your skirt up revealing your Endeavor panties, you screamed at him immediately throwing anything around you at him as much as possible.

"What are you doing! Pervert! Don't use your damn quirk to see that!" Your face was red, fuming in embarrassment

Hawks was pretty embarrassed too, his face was starting to flush pink. But he wanted to get his mind off of it so he changed the topic.

"I'm an Endeavor fan too, from the looks of it that's the limited editi-"


Hawks fell on the floor puking some vile, it was definitely his lunch since he had just finished eating. After you jabbed him in the stomach you continued using foul language to degrade him for his behavior.

He didn't bother reporting you because you would've easily ruined his reputation as a pervert. So he just went back to class with a black eye and a few bruises, and never spoke of it again.

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