Wife reader - when you meet your husbands

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You had moved fo the big city due to you job of being a scientist and, down you are one of the interns for a older male scientist at your work. He had called you in today to help with this space artifact that, the justice league had brought in from a space battle.

Doc smith " sorry again y/n for calling you into work on your day off"

Y/n " it's okay sir and I had nothing else to do today"

Doc smith " well thank you again for coming to help me" soon you and doctor smith walk into the laboratory, where you see the justice league waiting.

Flash " hey doc who is the female scientist with you"

Doc smith " this is y/n l/n she and is one of my call in intern and new employee"

Y/n " hello it nice to meet you all"

Green lantern " was haven't seen you around before"

Doc smith " well green lantern ash just moved here a few weeks ago"

Batman " green lantern you and flash can ask her question later, we have to figure out this space artifact" you watch from far as the doc speaks with the members of the justice league.

Aqua man " I'm sorry for the question those fools asked earlier"

Y/n " it okay I'm used to by now"

Superman " hey doc y/n did you find anything"

Y/n " no it seems who every made this made sure no one will ever open it but them"

Batman " can you tell us where it came from"

Y/n " a planet that is very hot and has lot of sand"

Spartan " how could you tell"

Y/n " from the burn marks on it and the sand leaking out"

Batman " ...... "

Y/n " the sand also seem to be able with stand our planets system, because soon enough it starts to burn and turn to ash"

Flash " wow you are a very smart women"

Y/n " thank you ..... I think"

Batman " well we will be taken this with us to the watch tower .... thank you y/n"

Y/n " your welcome" the justice league soon leaves the laboratory and you see doc smith looking at you.

Y/n " what wrong doc smith"

Doc smith " they like you"

Y/n " what do you mean"

Doc smith " I ever seem them be that very much into any female that works,here until you came here and it seem Batman like you as well and that a major win" doc smith was right the superhero's did like you, and it will take them to visits the laboratory and see you twenty more times until one of them asked you out on a date for them whole group which was Batman.

Justice league x female reader (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now